[Python-Dev] PyCapsule_Import semantics, relative imports, module names etc.
John Dennis
jdennis at redhat.com
Sat Jul 25 01:41:47 CEST 2015
While porting several existing CPython extension modules that form a
package to be 2.7 and 3.x compatible the existing PyObject_* API was
replaced with PyCapsule_*. This introduced some issues the existing
CPython docs are silent on. I'd like clarification on a few issues and
wish to raise some questions.
1. Should an extension module name as provided in PyModule_Create (Py3)
or Py_InitModule3 (Py2) be fully package qualified or just the module
name? I believe it's just the module name (see item 5 below) Yes/No?
2. PyCapsule_Import does not adhere to the general import semantics. The
module name must be fully qualified, relative imports are not supported.
3. PyCapsule_Import requires the package (e.g. __init__.py) to import
*all* of it's submodules which utilize the PyCapsule mechanism
preventing lazy on demand loading. This is because PyCapsule_Import only
imports the top level module (e.g. the package). From there it iterates
over each of the module names in the module path. However the parent
module (e.g. globals) will not contain an attribute for the submodule
unless it's already been loaded. If the submodule has not been loaded
into the parent PyCapsule_Import throws an error instead of trying to
load the submodule. The only apparent solution is for the package to
load every possible submodule whether required or not just to avoid a
loading error. The inability to load modules on demand seems like a
design flaw and change in semantics from the prior use of
PyImport_ImportModule in combination with PyObject. [One of the nice
features with normal import loading is setting the submodule name in the
parent, the fact this step is omitted is what causes PyCapsule_Import to
fail unless all submodules are unconditionally loaded). Shouldn't
PyCapsule_Import utilize PyImport_ImportModule?
4. Relative imports seem much more useful for cooperating submodules in
a package as opposed to fully qualified package names. Being able to
import a C_API from the current package (the package I'm a member of)
seems much more elegant and robust for cooperating modules but this
semantic isn't supported (in fact the leading dot syntax completely
confuses PyCapsule_Import, doc should clarify this).
5. The requirement that a module specifies it's name as unqualified when
it is initializing but then also has to use a fully qualified package
name for PyCapsule_New, both of which occur inside the same
initialization function seems like an odd inconsistency (documentation
clarification would help here). Also, depending on your point of view
package names could be considered a deployment/packaging decision, a
module obtains it's fully qualified name by virtue of it's position in
the filesystem, something at compile time the module will not be aware
of, another reason why relative imports make sense. Note the identical
comment regarding _Py_PackageContext in modsupport.c (Py2) and
moduleobject.c (Py3) regarding how a module obtains it's fully qualified
package name (see item 1).
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