[Python-Dev] libffi embedded in CPython

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 18:44:27 CET 2015

On 12 March 2015 at 17:26, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
>> I'm all for ditching our 'libffi_msvc' in favor of adding libffi as
>> another 'external' for the Windows build.  I have managed to get
>> _ctypes to build on Windows using vanilla libffi sources, prepared
>> using their configure script from within Git Bash and built with our
>> usual Windows build system (properly patched).  Unfortunately, making
>> things usable will take some work on ctypes itself, which I'm not
>> qualified to do. I'm happy to pass on my procedure and patches for
>> getting to the point of successful compilation to anyone who feels up
>> to fixing the things that are broken.
> So it seems possible to use upstream libffi but will require some work.

I'd be willing to contemplate helping out on the Windows side of
things, if nobody else steps up (with the proviso that I have little
free time, and I'm saying this without much idea of what's involved
:-)) If Zachary can give a bit more detail on what the work on ctypes
is, and/or put what he has somewhere that I could have a look at, that
might help.


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