[Python-Dev] cpython: Issue #23752: When built from an existing file descriptor, io.FileIO() now only

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 09:30:02 CEST 2015


2015-03-30 8:06 GMT+02:00 Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>:
>> +What's New in Python 3.5.0 alpha 4?
>> +===================================
> Return time machine back Victor. Current version is 3.5.0a2+.

Larry Hastings and Ned Deily told me that Larry is releasing Python
3.5 alpha 3. You can see their repository at:

According to the PEP 478 - Python 3.5 Release Schedule, we are in time:
3.5.0 alpha 3: March 29, 2015

Maybe Misc/NEWS was not updated when the alpha 2 was released? It's
always a mess to maintain this file... We should generate it from
Mercurial changelogs instead.

So is it correct to use "alpha 4" in Misc/NEWS?


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