[Python-Dev] PEP 492 quibble and request

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Thu May 7 15:50:08 CEST 2015

On 05/03/2015 03:03 PM, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
> On 3 May 2015 at 02:22, Greg Ewing<greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz>  wrote:
>> >Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Arnaud Delobelle <arnodel at gmail.com
>>> >><mailto:arnodel at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>     Does this mean that
>>> >>     somehow "await x" guarantees that the coroutine will suspend at least
>>> >>     once?
>> >
>> >
>> >No. First, it's possible for x to finish without yielding.
>> >But even if x yields, there is no guarantee that the
>> >scheduler will run something else -- it might just
>> >resume the same task, even if there is another one that
>> >could run. It's up to the scheduler whether it
>> >implements any kind of "fair" scheduling policy.
> That's what I understood but the example ('yielding()') provided by
> Ron Adam seemed to imply otherwise, so I wanted to clarify.

Guido is correct of course.  In examples I've used before with trampolines, 
a co-routine would be yielded back to the event loop, and if there was any 
other co-routines in the event loop they would execute first.  I'm not sure 
if async and await can be used with a trampoline type scheduler.

A scheduler might use a timer or priority based system system to schedule 
events.  So yes, it's up to the scheduler and the pep492 is intended to be 
flexible as to what scheduler is used.


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