[Python-Dev] PEP 484

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Mon May 25 15:40:17 CEST 2015

On Mon, May 25, 2015, at 04:02, Mike Kozulya wrote:
> May I suggest to eliminate "->" in function definition?
>      def function1 (variable1: variable1_type, variable2: 
> variable2_type): function1_type
>          return str2function1_type(str(variable1)+str('
>          ')+str(variable2))
> OR
>      def function1: function1_type (variable1: variable1_type, 
> variable2: variable2_type):
>          return str2function1_type(str(variable1)+str('
>          ')+str(variable2))
> both look a bit simpler than
>      def function1 (variable1: variable1_type, variable2: 
> variable2_type) -> function1_type:
>          return str2function1_type(str(variable1)+str('
>          ')+str(variable2))
> Are there any convincing reasons to introduce syntactic sugar?

That's simply preexisting function annotation syntax.

It's not invented by the type hinting pep.

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