[Python-Dev] Question about the current implementation of str

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Fri Apr 8 20:56:10 EDT 2016

I have a straightforward question about the str object, specifically the 
PyUnicodeObject.  I've tried reading the source to answer the question 
myself but it's nearly impenetrable.  So I was hoping someone here who 
understands the current implementation could answer it for me.

Although the str object is immutable from Python's perspective, the C 
object itself is mutable.  For example, for dynamically-created strings 
the hash field may be lazy-computed and cached inside the object.  I was 
wondering if there were other fields like this.  For example, are there 
similar lazy-computed cached objects for the different encoded versions 
(utf8 utf16) of the str?  What would really help an exhaustive list of 
the fields of a str object that may ever change after the object's 
initial creation.  Thanks!

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