[Python-Dev] Wordcode: new regular bytecode using 16-bit units

Eric Fahlgren ericfahlgren at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 17:02:27 EDT 2016

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 09:25, Victor Stinner wrote:
> The side effect of wordcode is that arguments in 0..255 now uses 2 bytes per
> instruction instead of 3, so it also reduce the size of bytecode for the most
> common case.
> Larger argument, 16-bit argument (0..65,535), now uses 4 bytes instead of 3.
> Arguments are supported up to 32-bit: 24-bit uses 3 units (6 bytes), 32-bit uses 4
> units (8 bytes). MAKE_FUNCTION uses 16-bit argument for keyword defaults and
> 24-bit argument for annotations.
> Other common instruction known to use large argument are jumps for bytecode
> longer than 256 bytes.

A couple months ago during an earlier discussion of wordcode, I got curious enough to instrument dis.dis so that I could calculate the actual size changes expected in practice.  I ran it on a large chunk of our product code, here are the results (looks best with a fixed font).  I suspect the fairly significant reduction in footprint will also give better cache hit characteristics, so we might see some "magic" speed ups from that, too.

Code-generating source lines =    70,792
Total bytes                  = 1,196,653
Argument-bearing operators   =   380,978
Operands over 1 byte long    =    12,191
Extended arguments           =         0
Percentage of 1-byte args    = 96.80%

Total operators              =   434,697
Non-argument ops             =    53,719
One-byte args                =   368,787
Multi-byte args              =    12,191
Byte code size               = 1,196,653
Word code size               =   893,776
Word:byte size               = 74.69%

Just for the record, here's my arithmetic:
byteCodeSize     = 1*nonArgumentOps + 3*oneByteArgs + 3*multiByteArgs
wordCodeSize     = 2*nonArgumentOps + 2*oneByteArgs + 4*multiByteArgs

(It is interesting to note that I have never encountered an EXTENDED_ARG operator in the wild, only in my own synthetic examples.)

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