[Python-Dev] Changing the licence of statistics.py

Ned Deily nad at python.org
Sun Aug 14 00:40:00 EDT 2016

On Aug 14, 2016, at 00:20, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> I'm the author of statistics.py, and for historical reasons it was 
> originally included in the standard library under the Apache licence.
> I now wish to change that and have it licenced under Python's standard 
> licence. Is there anything I need to do other than just remove the 
> Apache licence boilerplate from the file?

I am not a lawyer nor an expert on this but you should read the following pages.  It's explained there that the standard licenses for code contributed to Python itself *should* be either the Apache 2.0 License or the Academic Free License v2.1.


  Ned Deily
  nad at python.org -- []

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