[Python-Dev] Supported versions of OpenSSL

Antoine Pitrou antoine at python.org
Wed Aug 31 05:43:52 EDT 2016

Le 31/08/2016 à 11:33, M.-A. Lemburg a écrit :
> On 31.08.2016 10:43, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 10:31:12 +0200
>> "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
>>> I am thinking of Python users out there who are running on LTS
>>> OS releases simply because their IT doesn't let them run anything
>>> else.
>> There is a solution nowadays, which is to use Anaconda (or Miniconda).
> Sure, or use ActivePython or eGenix PyRun :-)

Uh, right, I was being employer-biased here, sorry.

> But is that really what we want to tell people ?

Why not?  python.org does not provide official binaries for Linux or
Unix systems (except OS X), and most people don't like compile their
infrastructure themselves.

People who want an up-to-date Python can either use:
- use the python.org binaries on OS X and Windows
- use a recent OS providing a recent Python version (for Linux and Unix
- use a vendor-supported backport on old OSes (if so provided, for
example on RedHat with Software Collections?)
- use a third party-supported backport on old OSes (ActivePython, eGenix
PyRun, etc.)
- as a last resort, hand-compile their Python, in which case they have
to be careful to gather the required dependencies



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