[Python-Dev] Speeding up CPython 5-10%

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Mon Feb 1 13:53:27 EST 2016

On 01.02.2016 19:28, Brett Cannon wrote:
> A search for [stack vs register based virtual machine] will get you 
> some information.

Alright. :) Will go for that.

> You aren't really supposed to yet. :) In Pyjion's case we are still 
> working on compatibility, let alone trying to show a speed improvement 
> so we have not said much beyond this mailing list (we have a talk 
> proposal in for PyCon US that we hope gets accepted). We just happened 
> to get picked up on Reddit and HN recently and so interest has spiked 
> in the project.

Exciting. :)

>     So, it could be that we will see a jitted CPython when Pyjion
>     appears to be successful?
> The ability to plug in a JIT, but yes, that's the hope.

Okay. Not sure what you mean by plugin. One thing I like about Python is 
that it just works. So, plugin sounds like unnecessary work.
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