[Python-Dev] HackIllinois 2016 + Python

Kevin Hong kevin.hong at hackillinois.org
Mon Feb 8 12:19:15 EST 2016

Hi all!

My name is Kevin and I am a staff member of HackIllinois, a 36-hour
hackathon at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where students
from across the nation come to build some of the most innovative hardware
and software projects. For highlights from last year’s event, check out

>From February 19-21st 2016, HackIllinois returns and we are introducing a
new initiative called OpenSource at HackIllinois to promote Open Source
development during the event. This program is designed to provide students
with the opportunity to meet and collaborate with experienced developers,
like you all, who serve as a guide and mentor into the open source world.
Over the course of the event, you and your group of hackers will build
features for an open source project of your choosing. Please see
http://www.hackillinois.org/opensource for more details!

If you or any other open source developers you work with are interested in
learning more about OpenSource at HackIllinois, feel free to email me at
kevin.hong at hackillinois.org. I look forward to speaking with you soon!

Best Regards,

Kevin Hong
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