[Python-Dev] Update PEP 7 to require curly braces in C

Alexander Walters tritium-list at sdamon.com
Tue Jan 19 01:05:54 EST 2016

On 1/19/2016 00:09, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Alexander Walters wrote:
>> When someone trying to make this argument in #python for Python 
>> code... the response is newlines are free.
> Well, I disagree. I very rarely put blank lines in a function
> in any language, because it makes it hard to scan the code
> visually and pick out the beginnings of functions. So while
> they may help readability locally, they hurt it globally.
I find the opposite to be true when I work in C

> If I find myself needing to put blank lines in a function in
> order to make it readable, I take it as a sign that the
> function ought to be split up into smaller functions.
.... Well, maybe I should change my position based on this.  Any excuse 
to break code out into more functions... is usually the right idea.

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