[Python-Dev] Devguide: Add a table summarizing status of Python branches

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Jan 20 13:39:58 EST 2016

On 1/20/2016 12:40 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Hi,
> I proposed a patch for the devguide to give the current status of all
> Python branches: active, bugfix, security only, end-of-line, with
> their end-of-life when applicable (past date or scheduled date)
> http://bugs.python.org/issue26165
> What do you think? Does it look correct?

I thought end-of-life was 5 years after initial release, not 5 years 
after last bugfix.  That would put eol for 3.4 in Feb 2019, I believe.

> We will have to update this table each time that the status of a
> branch change. Hopefully, it's not a common event, so it will not
> require a lot of work for release managers :-)

I believe there is some text describing current releases somewhere that 
also needs to be changed.  The release pep or scripts should have a 
reminder in the sections about the transitions.

Terry Jan Reedy

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