[Python-Dev] Request for CPython 3.5.3 release

Ludovic Gasc gmludo at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 19:17:30 EDT 2016

Hi everybody,

I fully understand that AsyncIO is a drop in the ocean of CPython, you're
working to prepare the entire 3.5.3 release for December, not yet ready.
However, you might create a release with only this AsyncIO fix ?

PEP 440 doesn't seem to forbid that even if I see only 3 digits examples in
PEP, I only find an example with 4 digits:

If or 3.5.3 are impossible to release before december, what are the
alternative solutions for AsyncIO users ?
1. Use 3.5.1 and hope that Linux distributions won't use 3.5.2 ?
2. Patch by hand asyncio source code ?
3. Remove asyncio folder in CPython, and install asyncio via github
repository ?
4. Anything else ?

To be honest, I'm migrating an AsyncIO application from 3.4.3 to 3.5.1 with
more than 10 000 lines of code, I'm really interested in to know if it's
better to keep 3.4.3 for now, or if 3.5 branch is enough stable ?

Have a nice week-end.
Ludovic Gasc (GMLudo)

2016-06-30 9:41 GMT+02:00 Larry Hastings <larry at hastings.org>:

> On 06/28/2016 02:51 PM, Larry Hastings wrote:
> On 06/28/2016 02:05 PM, Yury Selivanov wrote:
> Larry and the release team: would it be possible to make an
> "emergency" 3.5.3 release?
> I'd like to hear from the other asyncio reviewers: is this bug bad enough
> to merit such an "emergency" release?
> Thanks,
> */arry*
> There has been a distinct lack of "dear god yes Larry" emails so far.
> This absence suggests that, no, it is not a bad enough bug to merit such a
> release.
> If we stay to our usual schedule, I expect 3.5.3 to ship December-ish.
> */arry*
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