[Python-Dev] PEP 514: Python registration in the Windows registry
Guido van Rossum
guido at python.org
Sat Jul 23 16:20:50 EDT 2016
I'll let Paul pronounce. But you should probably have a BDFL-Delegate:
... header.
On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Steve Dower <steve.dower at python.org> wrote:
> PEP 514 is now ready for pronouncement, so this is the last chance for any
> feedback (BDFL-delegate Paul has been active on the github PR, so I don't
> expect he has a lot of feedback left).
> The most major change from the previous post is the addition of some code
> examples at the end. Honestly, I don't expect many tools written in Python
> to be scanning the registry (since once you're in Python you probably don't
> need to find it), but hopefully they'll help clarify the PEP for people who
> prefer code.
> Full text below.
> Cheers,
> Steve
> ----------
> PEP: 514
> Title: Python registration in the Windows registry
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Steve Dower <steve.dower at python.org>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Informational
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 02-Feb-2016
> Post-History: 02-Feb-2016, 01-Mar-2016, 18-Jul-2016
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP defines a schema for the Python registry key to allow third-party
> installers to register their installation, and to allow tools and
> applications
> to detect and correctly display all Python environments on a user's machine.
> No
> implementation changes to Python are proposed with this PEP.
> Python environments are not required to be registered unless they want to be
> automatically discoverable by external tools. As this relates to Windows
> only,
> these tools are expected to be predominantly GUI applications. However,
> console
> applications may also make use of the registered information. This PEP
> covers
> the information that may be made available, but the actual presentation and
> use
> of this information is left to the tool designers.
> The schema matches the registry values that have been used by the official
> installer since at least Python 2.5, and the resolution behaviour matches
> the
> behaviour of the official Python releases. Some backwards compatibility
> rules
> are provided to ensure tools can correctly detect versions of CPython that
> do
> not register full information.
> Motivation
> ==========
> When installed on Windows, the official Python installer creates a registry
> key
> for discovery and detection by other applications. This allows tools such as
> installers or IDEs to automatically detect and display a user's Python
> installations. For example, the PEP 397 ``py.exe`` launcher and editors such
> as
> PyCharm and Visual Studio already make use of this information.
> Third-party installers, such as those used by distributions, typically
> create
> identical keys for the same purpose. Most tools that use the registry to
> detect
> Python installations only inspect the keys used by the official installer.
> As a
> result, third-party installations that wish to be discoverable will
> overwrite
> these values, often causing users to "lose" their original Python
> installation.
> By describing a layout for registry keys that allows third-party
> installations
> to register themselves uniquely, as well as providing tool developers
> guidance
> for discovering all available Python installations, these collisions should
> be
> prevented. We also take the opportunity to add some well-known metadata so
> that
> more information can be presented to users.
> Definitions
> ===========
> A "registry key" is the equivalent of a file-system path into the registry.
> Each
> key may contain "subkeys" (keys nested within keys) and "values" (named and
> typed attributes attached to a key). These are used on Windows to store
> settings
> in much the same way that directories containing configuration files would
> work.
> ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER`` is the root of settings for the currently logged-in
> user,
> and this user can generally read and write all settings under this root.
> ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE`` is the root of settings for all users. Generally, any
> user can read these settings but only administrators can modify them. It is
> typical for values under ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER`` to take precedence over those
> in
> On 64-bit Windows, ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node`` is a special
> key
> that 32-bit processes transparently read and write to rather than accessing
> the
> ``Software`` key directly.
> Further documentation regarding registry redirection on Windows is available
> from the MSDN Library [1]_.
> Structure
> =========
> We consider there to be a single collection of Python environments on a
> machine,
> where the collection may be different for each user of the machine. There
> are
> three potential registry locations where the collection may be stored based
> on
> the installation options of each environment::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\<Company>\<Tag>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Python\<Company>\<Tag>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Python\<Company>\<Tag>
> Official Python releases use ``PythonCore`` for Company, and the value of
> ``sys.winver`` for Tag. The Company ``PyLauncher`` is reserved. Other
> registered
> environments may use any values for Company and Tag. Recommendations are
> made
> later in this document.
> Company-Tag pairs are case-insensitive, and uniquely identify each
> environment.
> Depending on the purpose and intended use of a tool, there are two suggested
> approaches for resolving conflicts between Company-Tag pairs.
> Tools that list every installed environment may choose to include those
> even where the Company-Tag pairs match. They should ensure users can easily
> identify whether the registration was per-user or per-machine, and which
> registration has the higher priority.
> Tools that aim to select a single installed environment from all registered
> environments based on the Company-Tag pair, such as the ``py.exe`` launcher,
> should always select the environment registered in ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER``
> when
> than the matching one in ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE``.
> Conflicts between ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Python`` and
> ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Python`` should only occur when
> both
> 64-bit and 32-bit versions of an interpreter have the same Tag. In this
> case,
> the tool should select whichever is more appropriate for its use.
> If a tool is able to determine from the provided information (or lack
> thereof)
> that it cannot use a registered environment, there is no obligation to
> present
> it to users.
> Except as discussed in the section on backwards compatibility, Company and
> Tag
> values are considered opaque to tools, and no information about the
> interpreter
> should be inferred from the text. However, some tools may display the
> Company
> and Tag values to users, so ideally the Tag will be able to help users
> identify
> the associated environment.
> Python environments are not required to register themselves unless they want
> to
> be automatically discoverable by external tools.
> Backwards Compatibility
> -----------------------
> Python 3.4 and earlier did not distinguish between 32-bit and 64-bit builds
> in
> ``sys.winver``. As a result, it is not possible to have valid side-by-side
> installations of both 32-bit and 64-bit interpreters under this scheme since
> it
> would result in duplicate Tags.
> To ensure backwards compatibility, applications should treat environments
> listed
> under the following two registry keys as distinct, even when the Tag
> matches::
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Python\PythonCore\<Tag>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\<Tag>
> Environments listed under ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER`` may be treated as distinct
> from
> both of the above keys, potentially resulting in three environments
> discovered
> using the same Tag. Alternatively, a tool may determine whether the per-user
> environment is 64-bit or 32-bit and give it priority over the per-machine
> environment, resulting in a maximum of two discovered environments.
> It is not possible to detect side-by-side installations of both 64-bit and
> 32-bit versions of Python prior to 3.5 when they have been installed for the
> current user. Python 3.5 and later always uses different Tags for 64-bit and
> 32-bit versions.
> The following section describe user-visible information that may be
> registered.
> For Python 3.5 and earlier, none of this information is available, but
> alternative defaults are specified for the ``PythonCore`` key.
> Environments registered under other Company names have no backward
> compatibility
> requirements and must use distinct Tags to support side-by-side
> installations.
> Tools consuming these registrations are not required to disambiguate tags
> other
> than by preferring the user's setting.
> Company
> -------
> The Company part of the key is intended to group related environments and to
> ensure that Tags are namespaced appropriately. The key name should be
> alphanumeric without spaces and likely to be unique. For example, a
> trademarked
> name (preferred), a hostname, or as a last resort, a UUID would be
> appropriate::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\www.example.com
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\6C465E66-5A8C-4942-9E6A-D29159480C60
> The company name ``PyLauncher`` is reserved for the PEP 397 launcher
> (``py.exe``). It does not follow this convention and should be ignored by
> tools.
> If a string value named ``DisplayName`` exists, it should be used to
> identify
> the environment manufacturer/developer/destributor to users. Otherwise, the
> name
> of the key should be used. (For ``PythonCore``, the default display name is
> "Python Software Foundation".)
> If a string value named ``SupportUrl`` exists, it may be displayed or
> otherwise
> used to direct users to a web site related to the environment. (For
> ``PythonCore``, the default support URL is "http://www.python.org/".)
> A complete example may look like::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp
> (Default) = (value not set)
> DisplayName = "Example Corp"
> SupportUrl = "http://www.example.com"
> Tag
> ---
> The Tag part of the key is intended to uniquely identify an environment
> within
> those provided by a single company. The key name should be alphanumeric
> without
> spaces and stable across installations. For example, the Python language
> version, a UUID or a partial/complete hash would be appropriate, while a Tag
> based on the install directory or some aspect of the current machine may
> not.
> For example::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp\examplepy
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp\3.6
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp\6C465E66
> It is expected that some tools will require users to type the Tag into a
> command
> line, and that the Company may be optional provided the Tag is unique across
> all
> Python installations. Short, human-readable and easy to type Tags are
> recommended, and if possible, select a value likely to be unique across all
> other Companies.
> If a string value named ``DisplayName`` exists, it should be used to
> identify
> the environment to users. Otherwise, the name of the key should be used.
> (For
> ``PythonCore``, the default is "Python " followed by the Tag.)
> If a string value named ``SupportUrl`` exists, it may be displayed or
> otherwise
> used to direct users to a web site related to the environment. (For
> ``PythonCore``, the default is "http://www.python.org/".)
> If a string value named ``Version`` exists, it should be used to identify
> the
> version of the environment. This is independent from the version of Python
> implemented by the environment. (For ``PythonCore``, the default is the
> first
> three characters of the Tag.)
> If a string value named ``SysVersion`` exists, it must be in ``x.y`` or
> ``x.y.z`` format matching the version returned by ``sys.version_info`` in
> the
> interpreter. If omitted, the Python version is unknown. (For ``PythonCore``,
> the default is the first three characters of the Tag.)
> If a string value named ``SysArchitecture`` exists, it must match the first
> element of the tuple returned by ``platform.architecture()``. Typically,
> this
> will be "32bit" or "64bit". If omitted, the architecture is unknown. (For
> ``PythonCore``, the architecture is "32bit" when registered under
> ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Python`` *or* anywhere on a 32-bit
> operating system, "64bit" when registered under
> ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Python`` on a 64-bit machine, and unknown when
> registered under ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER``.)
> Note that each of these values is recommended, but optional. Omitting
> ``SysVersion`` or ``SysArchitecture`` may prevent some tools from correctly
> supporting the environment. A complete example may look like this::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp\examplepy
> (Default) = (value not set)
> DisplayName = "Example Py Distro 3"
> SupportUrl = "http://www.example.com/distro-3"
> Version = "3.0.12345.0"
> SysVersion = "3.6.0"
> SysArchitecture = "64bit"
> InstallPath
> -----------
> Beneath the environment key, an ``InstallPath`` key must be created. This
> key is
> always named ``InstallPath``, and the default value must match
> ``sys.prefix``::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp\3.6\InstallPath
> (Default) = "C:\ExampleCorpPy36"
> If a string value named ``ExecutablePath`` exists, it must be the full path
> to
> the ``python.exe`` (or equivalent) executable. If omitted, the environment
> is
> not executable. (For ``PythonCore``, the default is the ``python.exe`` file
> in
> the directory referenced by the ``(Default)`` value.)
> If a string value named ``ExecutableArguments`` exists, tools should use the
> value as the first arguments when executing ``ExecutablePath``. Tools may
> add
> other arguments following these, and will reasonably expect standard Python
> command line options to be available.
> If a string value named ``WindowedExecutablePath`` exists, it must be a path
> to
> the ``pythonw.exe`` (or equivalent) executable. If omitted, the default is
> the
> value of ``ExecutablePath``, and if that is omitted the environment is not
> executable. (For ``PythonCore``, the default is the ``pythonw.exe`` file in
> the
> directory referenced by the ``(Default)`` value.)
> If a string value named ``WindowedExecutableArguments`` exists, tools should
> use
> the value as the first arguments when executing ``WindowedExecutablePath``.
> Tools may add other arguments following these, and will reasonably expect
> standard Python command line options to be available.
> A complete example may look like::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp\examplepy\InstallPath
> (Default) = "C:\ExampleDistro30"
> ExecutablePath = "C:\ExampleDistro30\ex_python.exe"
> ExecutableArguments = "--arg1"
> WindowedExecutablePath = "C:\ExampleDistro30\ex_pythonw.exe"
> WindowedExecutableArguments = "--arg1"
> Help
> ----
> Beneath the environment key, a ``Help`` key may be created. This key is
> always
> named ``Help`` if present and has no default value.
> Each subkey of ``Help`` specifies a documentation file, tool, or URL
> associated
> with the environment. The subkey may have any name, and the default value is
> a
> string appropriate for passing to ``os.startfile`` or equivalent.
> If a string value named ``DisplayName`` exists, it should be used to
> identify
> the help file to users. Otherwise, the key name should be used.
> A complete example may look like::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\ExampleCorp\6C465E66\Help
> Python\
> (Default) = "C:\ExampleDistro30\python36.chm"
> DisplayName = "Python Documentation"
> Extras\
> (Default) = "http://www.example.com/tutorial"
> DisplayName = "Example Distro Online Tutorial"
> Other Keys
> ----------
> All other subkeys under a Company-Tag pair are available for private use.
> Official CPython releases have traditionally used certain keys in this space
> to
> determine the location of the Python standard library and other installed
> modules. This behaviour is retained primarily for backward compatibility.
> However, as the code that reads these values is embedded into the
> interpreter,
> third-party distributions may be affected by values written into
> ``PythonCore``
> if using an unmodified interpreter.
> Sample Code
> ===========
> This sample code enumerates the registry and displays the available
> Company-Tag
> pairs that could be used to launch an environment and the target executable.
> It
> only shows the most-preferred target for the tag. Backwards-compatible
> handling
> of ``PythonCore`` is omitted but shown in a later example::
> # Display most-preferred environments.
> # Assumes a 64-bit operating system
> # Does not correctly handle PythonCore compatibility
> import winreg
> def enum_keys(key):
> i = 0
> while True:
> try:
> yield winreg.EnumKey(key, i)
> except OSError:
> break
> i += 1
> def get_value(key, value_name):
> try:
> return winreg.QueryValue(key, value_name)
> except FileNotFoundError:
> return None
> seen = set()
> for hive, key, flags in [
> (winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'Software\Python', 0),
> (winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Software\Python',
> winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY),
> (winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'Software\Python',
> winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY),
> ]:
> with winreg.OpenKeyEx(hive, key, access=winreg.KEY_READ | flags) as
> root_key:
> for comany in enum_keys(root_key):
> if company == 'PyLauncher':
> continue
> with winreg.OpenKey(root_key, company) as company_key:
> for tag in enum_keys(company_key):
> if (company, tag) in seen:
> if company == 'PythonCore':
> # TODO: Backwards compatibility handling
> pass
> continue
> seen.add((company, tag))
> try:
> with winreg.OpenKey(company_key, tag +
> r'\InstallPath') as ip_key:
> exec_path = get_value(ip_key,
> 'ExecutablePath')
> exec_args = get_value(ip_key,
> 'ExecutableArguments')
> if company == 'PythonCore' and not
> exec_path:
> # TODO: Backwards compatibility handling
> pass
> except OSError:
> exec_path, exec_args = None, None
> if exec_path:
> print('{}\\{} - {} {}'.format(company, tag,
> exec_path, exec_args or ''))
> else:
> print('{}\\{} - (not
> executable)'.format(company, tag))
> This example only scans ``PythonCore`` entries for the current user. Where
> data
> is missing, the defaults as described earlier in the PEP are substituted.
> Note
> that these defaults are only for use under ``PythonCore``; other
> registrations
> do not have any default values::
> # Only lists per-user PythonCore registrations
> # Uses fallback values as described in PEP 514
> import os
> import winreg
> def enum_keys(key):
> i = 0
> while True:
> try:
> yield winreg.EnumKey(key, i)
> except OSError:
> break
> i += 1
> def get_value(key, value_name):
> try:
> return winreg.QueryValue(key, value_name)
> except FileNotFoundError:
> return None
> with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
> r"Software\Python\PythonCore") as company_key:
> print('Company:', get_value(company_key, 'DisplayName') or 'Python
> Software Foundation')
> print('Support:', get_value(company_key, 'SupportUrl') or
> 'http://www.python.org/')
> print()
> for tag in enum_keys(company_key):
> with winreg.OpenKey(company_key, tag) as tag_key:
> print('PythonCore\\' + tag)
> print('Name:', get_value(tag_key, 'DisplayName') or ('Python
> ' + tag))
> print('Support:', get_value(tag_key, 'SupportUrl') or
> 'http://www.python.org/')
> print('Version:', get_value(tag_key, 'Version') or tag[:3])
> print('SysVersion:', get_value(tag_key, 'SysVersion') or
> tag[:3])
> # Architecture is unknown because we are in HKCU
> # Tools may use alternate approaches to determine
> architecture when
> # the registration does not specify it.
> print('SysArchitecture:', get_value(tag_key,
> 'SysArchitecture') or '(unknown)')
> try:
> ip_key = winreg.OpenKey(company_key, tag + '\\InstallPath')
> except FileNotFoundError:
> pass
> else:
> with ip_key:
> ip = get_value(ip_key, None)
> exe = get_value(ip_key, 'ExecutablePath') or
> os.path.join(ip, 'python.exe')
> exew = get_value(ip_key, 'WindowedExecutablePath') or
> os.path.join(ip, 'python.exe')
> print('InstallPath:', ip)
> print('ExecutablePath:', exe)
> print('WindowedExecutablePath:', exew)
> print()
> This example shows a subset of the registration that will be created by a
> just-for-me install of 64-bit Python 3.6.0. Other keys may also be created::
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\PythonCore
> (Default) = (value not set)
> DisplayName = "Python Software Foundation"
> SupportUrl = "http://www.python.org/"
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\PythonCore\3.6
> (Default) = (value not set)
> DisplayName = "Python 3.6 (64-bit)"
> SupportUrl = "http://www.python.org/"
> Version = "3.6.0"
> SysVersion = "3.6"
> SysArchitecture = "64bit"
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\PythonCore\3.6\Help\Main Python
> Documentation
> (Default) =
> "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\Doc\python360.chm"
> DisplayName = "Python 3.6.0 Documentation"
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python\PythonCore\3.6\InstallPath
> (Default) = "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\"
> ExecutablePath =
> "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe"
> WindowedExecutablePath =
> "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\pythonw.exe"
> References
> ==========
> .. [1] Registry Redirector (Windows)
> (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa384232.aspx)
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
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--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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