[Python-Dev] New OpenSSL - has anyone ever looked at (in)compatibility with LibreSSL

Michael Felt mamfelt at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 12:29:22 EST 2016

Can look at it. There has been a lot of discussion, iirc, between 
OpenSSL and LibreSSL re: version identification.
Thx for the reference.

On 08-Mar-16 14:55, Hasan Diwan wrote:
> On 8 March 2016 at 00:49, Michael Felt <michael at felt.demon.nl 
> <mailto:michael at felt.demon.nl>> wrote:
>     As a relative newcomer I may have missed a long previous
>     discussion re: linking with OpenSSL and/or LibreSSL.
>     In an ideal world this would be rtl linking, i.e., underlying
>     complexities of *SSL libraries are hidden from applications.
>     In short, when I saw this http://bugs.python.org/issue26465 Title:
>     Upgrade OpenSSL shipped with python installers, it reminded me I
>     need to start looking at LibreSSL again - and that, if not already
>     done - might be something "secure" for python as well.
> According to the libressl website, one of the projects primary goals 
> is to remain "backwards-compatible with OpenSSL", which is to say, to 
> either have code work without changes or to fail gracefully when it 
> uses the deprecated bits. It does seem it ships with OpenBSD. There is 
> an issue open on bugs to address whatever incompatibilities remain 
> between LibreSSL and OpenSSL[1]. Perhaps you might want to take a look 
> at that? -- H
> 1. https://bugs.python.org/issue23177
>     Michael
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