[Python-Dev] [New-bugs-announce] [issue27948] f-strings: allow backslashes only in the string parts, not in the expression parts

Eric V. Smith eric at trueblade.com
Sat Sep 3 10:36:45 EDT 2016

I'm aware of the buildbot failures due to this commit. I'm working on it.

Sorry about that: tests passed on my machine.


On 09/03/2016 09:24 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
> New submission from Eric V. Smith:
> See issue 27921.
> Currently (and for 3.6 beta 1), backslashes are not allowed anywhere in f-strings. This needs to be changed to allow them in the string parts, but not in the expression parts.
> Also, require that the start and end of an expression be literal '{' and '}, not escapes like '\0x7b' and '\u007d'.
> ----------
> assignee: eric.smith
> components: Interpreter Core
> messages: 274294
> nosy: eric.smith
> priority: normal
> severity: normal
> stage: needs patch
> status: open
> title: f-strings: allow backslashes only in the string parts, not in the expression parts
> type: behavior
> versions: Python 3.6
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