[Python-Dev] (some) C99 added to PEP 7

Random832 random832 at fastmail.com
Thu Sep 8 17:16:48 EDT 2016

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016, at 16:01, Chris Barker wrote:
> Is there a "long" in there anywhere in the integer implementation?

The python 2 long type is the python 3 int type. The python 2 int type
is gone.

> I don't have py3 running on win64 anywhere right now, but in win64 py2,
> that would give you:
> dtype('int32')
> as it's a "long" under the hood

That's numpy's decision, there's nothing "built-in" about it.

> (and I'm pretty sure that is not because of numpy code itself, but rather
> how Cpython is written/compiled)


Note that PyInt_Check doesn't exist anymore in Python 3. NumPy provides
its own definition:


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