[Python-Dev] CPython benchmark status, April 2017

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 16:57:19 EDT 2017

2017-04-07 20:50 GMT+02:00 Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu>:
> The boxes are un-scaled.

Which page? "Display All in a grid" has no scale, but if you select a
single benchmark, there are scales. It's a number of seconds: "(less
is better)" as written on the Y scale.

> Is vertical always 'time for fixed work', so lower is always better?


> The vertical variation is a small fraction of vertical space, so most vertical space is wasted.

I don't well the website part, please see the
https://github.com/tobami/codespeed/ project.

>   Box says 'last 50', but only 13 results.  These cover last 3 years?

Currently, the oldest result is the commit
0cf3ed60d089cf2a2671fa66cdaa18498091: April 1, 2014.

I'm unable to count the exact number of dots :-D

On the special "Display All in a grid" view, you cannot select the
number of results. I don't know how many results are displayed: 50 max
I think.

If you select a benchmark, 50 results max are displayed. Currently,
it's enough to over 3 years.


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