[Python-Dev] Scope, not context? (was Re: PEP 550 v3 naming)

Yury Selivanov yselivanov.ml at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 10:18:55 EDT 2017

Right, Nick, I missed the part that you want to have a file-like
wrapper stored in sys.std* streams that would redirect lookups/calls
to the relevant real file-object in the current context (correct?)

I has a similar idea when I discovered that PEP 550 can't be used
directly to fix sys.std* streams redirection.  Another idea:

1. We alter PyModule to make it possible to add properties (descriptor
protocol, or we implement custom __getattr__). I think we can make it
so that only sys module would be able to actually use it, so it's not
going to be a new feature -- just a hack for CPython.

2. We make sys.std* attributes properties, with getters and setters.

3. sys.std* setters will: issue a DeprecationWarning; set whatever the
user wants to set in a global variable + set a flag (let's call it
"sys.__stdout_global_modified") that sys.std* were modified.

4. sys.std* getters will use PEP 550 to lookup when
__stdout_global_modified is false.  If it's true -- we fallback to

5. We deprecate the current API and add new APIs for the redirection
system that uses PEP 550 explicitly.

6. In Python 4 we remove the old sys.std* API.

Thit is still *very* fragile: any code that writes to sys.stdout
breaks all assumptions.  But it offers a way to raise a warning when
old-API is being used - something that we'll probably need if we add
new APIs to fix this problem.


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