[Python-Dev] Accepting PEP 560 -- Core support for typing module and generic types

Ivan Levkivskyi levkivskyi at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 10:10:53 EST 2017

On 15 December 2017 at 15:55, Yury Selivanov <yselivanov.ml at gmail.com>

> > I don't see any problems with implementing this on types defined in C.
> This isn't harder than implementing __sizeof__ or pickling support, and
> NumPy classes already have implemented both. Maybe Yury forgot about
> I just tested __class_getitem__ defined via METH_STATIC and it works.
> This means we don't need to add slots.  Thanks for the hint, Serhiy!
> Ivan, this might be worth mentioning in the PEP or in the docs.

I think it should be added to the PEP. Somehow I didn't think about C
extensions, but now I see that it is important, also recently there
appeared a lot of interest in better support of static typing for NumPy
arrays and numeric stack.
I will make a PR a bit later.

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