[Python-Dev] Documenting types outside of typing

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Dec 28 10:14:05 EST 2017

On Dec 27, 2017, at 18:59, Ivan Levkivskyi <levkivskyi at gmail.com> wrote:
> FWIW the same problem was discussed a year ago when documenting typing. At that time the discussion was not conclusive,
> so that some types use class:: directive while other use data:: directive. At that time Guido was in favour of data:: and now in view of
> PEP 560 many types in typing will stop being class objects, and will be just (compact) objects. Therefore, my understanding is that
> all special forms like Union, Any, ClassVar, etc. will use data:: in the docs.

Thanks.  I see that typing.rst has been updated to use data:: so I’ll change my branch accordingly.

> Concerning the question whether it makes to document types, I think it makes sense if it is a publicly available type (or type alias)
> that will be useful to annotate user code.

Thanks, that’s my feeling about it too.


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