[Python-Dev] Improve test coverage for standard library

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon Jul 10 14:19:28 EDT 2017

In general the answer to helping with code coverage is "whatever module
motivates you to help". :) So unless a core dev has a specific module that
they want to help you write tests for then it's whatever you want to work

And for easy reference, the code coverage report can be found at
https://codecov.io/gh/python/cpython (although it is somewhat inaccurate
for any module imported at startup).

On Mon, 10 Jul 2017 at 07:54 Artem Muterko <artieua at gmail.com> wrote:

> Good day,
> I've noticed that test coverage of standard library tools can be improved
> and wanted to ask which module is better to start with?
> I'm kindly asking to point to the module which would be good to start
> writing tests for and also  easy to review for other contributors.
> Best regards,
> Artem Muterko
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