[Python-Dev] Articles on my contributions to CPython during 2017 Q1 and Q2

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Sun Jul 16 12:19:10 EDT 2017

I'm not sure that I understood your suggestion. Basically, if a test
file fails, you would like to automatically re-run the failing test
with test.bisect to identify the failing *methods*?

Yeah, it's doable, but I didn't write it :-) It's very easy to run
bisect: just replace "-m test" with "-m test.bisect" in your command
line, and you are done.


2017-07-16 17:30 GMT+02:00 francismb <francismb at email.de>:
> Hi Victor,
> On 07/13/2017 05:33 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wrote a serie of new articles on my contributions to CPython during
>> 2017 Q1 and Q2.
>> "My contributions to CPython during 2017 Q1"
>> https://haypo.github.io/contrib-cpython-2017q1.html
>> "New Python test.bisect tool"
>> https://haypo.github.io/python-test-bisect.html
> would it make sense too add a test that passes if the tool doesn't find
> anything ? if it fails so should the reason be already there (?)
> (Or to add a test step after running the test suite if some error
> happened (?))
> Thanks !
> -- francis
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