[Python-Dev] Impact of Namedtuple on startup time

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Tue Jul 18 18:22:16 EDT 2017

On 07/17/2017 07:25 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> I think the intention is to allow users with a certain kind of 
> security requirement to opt in to a restricted version of the language 
> that doesn't support exec. This is difficult if the stdlib is calling 
> exec all over the place. But nobody is suggesting to change the 
> language in regular usage, just provide another option.

An anecdote about removing exec().  Back in 2012 I interviewed Kristjan 
Valur Jonsson, then of CCP Games, for my podcast Radio Free Python.  He 
said that due to memory constraints they'd had to remove the compiler 
from the Playstation 3 build of Python for some game project.  This 
meant that namedtuple didn't work, which had knock-on effects for other 
bits of the standard library

So security concerns aren't the only reason for removing the compiler,

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