[Python-Dev] Appending a link back to bugs.python.org in GitHub PRs

Ben Hoyt benhoyt at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 10:30:01 EDT 2017

With the linking back and forth, I'm curious why there wasn't a switch to
use GitHub's issue tracker when we switched to GitHub. I'm sure there was
previous discussion about this and good reasons not to, but couldn't find
those quickly (PEP 512, Google search, etc) -- can someone point me in the
right direction? -Ben

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 5:28 PM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:

> Thanks to Kushal Das we now have one of the most requested features since
> the transition: a link in PRs back to bugs.python.org (in a more
> discoverable way since we have had them since Bedevere launched :) . When a
> pull request comes in with an issue number in the title (or one gets
> added), a link to bugs.python.org will be appended to the PR's body (the
> message you fill out when creating a PR). There's no logic to remove the
> link if the issue number is removed from the title, changed, or for
> multiple issue numbers since basically those cases are all rare and it was
> easier to launch without that kind of support.
> P.S.: Berker Peksag is working on providing commit emails with diffs in
> them which is the other most requested feature since the transition.
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