[Python-Dev] for...else

Eric Lafontaine eric.lafontaine1 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 20:27:04 EDT 2017

funny ;

this made me think of this talk;

Éric Lafontaine |  Membre du Projet VUE, Groupe Contrôle
Génie électrique, 54ème promotion UdeS | Étudiant en maitrise TI à l'ETS
VAS OPS chez Bell Mobility

« Nous voulons proposer une alternative de transport en présentant un
véhicule électrique spécifiquement conçu pour les déplacements urbains. »

2017-07-27 15:19 GMT-04:00 MRAB <python at mrabarnett.plus.com>:

> On 2017-07-27 03:34, Mike Miller wrote:
>> On 2017-07-26 16:36, MRAB wrote:
>>> "nobreak" would introduce a new keyword, but "not break" wouldn't.
>> Whenever I've used the for-else, I've put a # no-break right next to it,
>> to
>> remind myself as much as anyone else.
>> for...: not break: is the best alternative I've yet seen, congrats.
>> Perhaps in
>> Python 5 it can be enabled, with for-else: used instead for empty
>> iterables, as
>> that's what I expected the first few dozen times.
>> For empty iterables, how about "elif None:"? :-)
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