[Python-Dev] we would like to share python articles with you

Yaroslav Lehenchuk yaroslav.lehenchuk at djangostars.com
Mon Mar 6 10:53:56 EST 2017


I like your resource. We in Django Stars writing a lot about Python/Django
and we would like to share our articles with other professionals and geeks.
Here are two examples of our blog content:

And we also have an account on git hub where we sharing our libraries and
open source projects.

Tell me please, are you interested in such cooperation? I am talking about
submitting our post to your tips-digest.

Waiting for your response. Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Yaroslav Lehenchuk
Marketer at Django Stars

Cell: +380730903748
Skype: yaroslav_le
Email: yaroslav.lehenchuk at djangostars.com



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