[Python-Dev] Can I revoke PEP 103 (info about git)?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Mar 8 09:50:06 EST 2017

On Mar 08, 2017, at 10:38 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>Withdrawing the PEP is just a matter of submitting a PR to change the state
>to Withdrawn, so it doesn't actually break any links. It's helpful to add a
>short "PEP Withdrawal" section to say why it's withdrawn though, and you'd
>be able to link to the wiki.python.org page from there.

We don't have a great Status for obsolete informational PEPs, so Withdrawn is
about as good as it gets.  I've heard little parrots ask whether the whole PEP
can just be deleted, implying the number could be reused in the future.  I
*really* don't want for that to ever be possible.

Maybe change the status to "This is an Ex-PEP" or "This PEP is pining for the

It's also okay to remove much of the content and just leave a placeholder.
The historical record would of course always be available in the vcs.


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