[Python-Dev] Sharing our python articles with python community

Yaroslav Lehenchuk yaroslav.lehenchuk at djangostars.com
Fri Mar 10 07:14:06 EST 2017


My name is Yaroslav, I am a member of geeks team - Django Stars.

We just released 2 good posts and I'd like to propose you to share them
with your digest readers.

1. I hope that two articles is not too much for one digest. In case that is
— we can separate those between two digests.
2. I hope that you are ok with me marking urls with utm-tags — it's pretty
important for us to monitor the website's incoming traffic and understand
the visitors` behavior.

1. Docker.
2. django-classifier
2.1 Library
2.2 Two examples how to use it

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

Best Regards,
Yaroslav Lehenchuk
Marketer at Django Stars

Cell: +380730903748
Skype: yaroslav_le
Email: yaroslav.lehenchuk at djangostars.com

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