[Python-Dev] PEP 544: Protocols

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Tue Mar 21 12:57:05 EDT 2017

Technically, `__eq__` is implemented by `object` so a `Mapping`
implementation that didn't implement it would still be considered valid.
But probably not very useful (since the default implementation in this case
is implemented by comparing object identity).

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Ivan Levkivskyi <levkivskyi at gmail.com>

> On 21 March 2017 at 17:09, Matthias Kramm <kramm at google.com> wrote:
>> The one thing that isn't clear to me is how type checkers will
>> distinguish between
>> 1.) Protocol methods in A that need to implemented in B so that B is
>> considered a structural subclass of A.
>> 2.) Extra methods you get for free when you explicitly inherit from A.
>> To provide a more concrete example: Since Mapping implements __eq__, do I
>> also have to implement __eq__ if I want my class to be (structurally)
>> compatible with Mapping?
> An implicit subtype should implement all methods, so that yes, in this
> case __eq__ should be implemented for Mapping.
> There was an idea to make some methods "non-protocol" (i.e. not necessary
> to implement), but it was rejected,
> since this complicates things. Briefly, consider this function:
> def fun(m: Mapping):
>     m.keys()
> The question is should this be an error? I think most people would expect
> this to be valid.
> The same applies to most other methods in Mapping, people expect that
> they are provided my Mapping. Therefore, to be on the safe side, we need
> to require these methods to be implemented. If you look at definitions in
> collections.abc,
> there are very few methods that could be considered "non-protocol".
> Therefore, it was decided
> to not introduce "non-protocol" methods.
> There is only one downside for this: it will require some boilerplate for
> implicit subtypes of Mapping etc.
> But, this applies to few "built-in" protocols (like Mapping and Sequence)
> and people already subclass them.
> Also, such style will be discouraged for user defined protocols. It will
> be recommended to create compact
> protocols and combine them. (This was discussed, but it looks like we
> forgot to add an explicit statement about this.)
> I will add a section on non-protocol methods to rejected/postponed ideas.
> --
> Ivan
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--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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