[Python-Dev] Exact date of Python 2 EOL?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Mar 23 14:54:23 EDT 2017

On 3/23/2017 4:41 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Hi,
> I looked at the "Status of Python branches" to check if it was up to
> date. It's the case, thanks :-) But it recalled me that no exact date
> was decided for the official end of line of the the Python 2 branch
> (2.7 EOL).

 > https://docs.python.org/devguide/#status-of-python-branches
 > says January 1st, 2020

> Can we pick an official date?

The devguide list is effectively the official list.  No one should plan 
on getting anything from pydev after 1/1/20.

As far as ''we' are concerned, 2.7 EOL will be when the final 2.7.n 
release is made.  If Benjamin continues twice-a-year releases, n could 
be 20 in mid 2020, about 10 years after 2.7.0 in 2010-7-3.  Or perhaps 
he will push a possible 2.7.19 'Dec 2019' release to 2020-01-01. 
Especially if the rate of commits decreases, he might lengthen the 
interval, thereby reducing the final ''n'.  In the meanwhile, I think we 
should let him continue planning one release ahead.

   Planned future release dates: 2.7.14 in mid 2017

Terry Jan Reedy

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