[Python-Dev] Micro-optimizations by adding special-case bytecodes?

Cesare Di Mauro cesare.di.mauro at gmail.com
Thu May 25 11:00:11 EDT 2017

Hi Ben,

for what you're interested in, you might give a look at WPython 1.0 (
https://code.google.com/archive/p/wpython/downloads ) and 1.1 (
https://code.google.com/archive/p/wpython2/downloads ), but they cover a
lot of optimizations (as you can see from a brief look at the slides):
RETURN_CONST and fusing some opcodes for binary operations are only some of
For this reason, it's also very difficult to micro-benchmark every single
change... :-/


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2017-05-25 16:28 GMT+02:00 Ben Hoyt <benhoyt at gmail.com>:

> Thanks, Victor. That's very helpful. So RETURN_NONE (and probably
> RETURN_SMALL_CONST) are not worth it, based on your empirical tests. Your
> patch shows how (relatively) straight-forward it is to test out new opcodes.
> I'm still optimistic about the value of COMPARE_IS_NONE and
> COMPARE_IS_NOT_NONE, though. Mainly because I've done a quick expansion of
> LOAD_CONST(None) + COMPARE_OP and it's quite a bit more code and many more
> instructions than COMPARE_IS_NONE would be:
>     PyObject *value = ((PyTupleObject *)(consts))->ob_item[oparg];
>     value->ob_refcnt++;
>     *stack_pointer++ = value;
>     PyObject *right = *--stack_pointer;
>     PyObject *left = stack_pointer[-1]
>     // cmp_outcome(), presumably inlined
>     int r = 0;
>     switch (compare_oparg) {
>     case PyCmp_IS:
>         r = (left == right);
>         break;
>     case PyCmp_IS_NOT:
>         r = (left != right);
>         break;
>     case ...
>     }
>     PyObject *res = r ? Py_True : Py_False;
>     res->ob_refcnt++;
>     if (--(left)->ob_refcnt == 0)
>         _Py_Dealloc(left);
>     if (--(right)->ob_refcnt == 0)
>         _Py_Dealloc(right);
>     stack_pointer[-1] = res;
>     if (res == NULL)
>         goto error;
>     DISPATCH();
>     PyObject* left = stack_pointer[-1];  // TOP()
>     PyObject* res = (left == Py_None) ? Py_True : Py_False;
>     res->ob_refcnt++;
>     if (--(left)->ob_refcnt == 0)
>         _Py_Dealloc(left);
>     stack_pointer[-1] = res;  // SET_TOP(res)
>     DISPATCH();
> You don't have to get the const arg, there are fewer increfs/decrefs, you
> skip a pop, you don't have to test res==NULL (because it's Py_True or
> Py_False, which are never NULL), and if there are separate COMPARE_IS_NONE
> and COMPARE_IS_NOT_NONE you don't have to switch on the compare arg (though
> I'm not sure if that part will be worth it).
> For reference, based on a grep, " is None" occurs 2737 times in the
> CPython source tree, and " is not None" 2010 times. And I know personally I
> often use them in loops as well is at the start of functions (for mutable
> default arg handling).
> Still, the performance proof will be in the pudding! I might hack these
> two opcodes together and test it at some point.
> -Ben
> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 6:47 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> I am not convinced that combining operations will have a significant
>> impact in term of performance. Mark Shanon implemented that in his HotPy
>> project.
>> I proposed a RETURN_NONE opcode to combine LOAD_CONST with RETURN_VALUE.
>> The issue was rejected because I failed to show any speedup.
>> https://bugs.python.org/issue28800
>> I would be interested to restart/finish my registervm project to use
>> register-based bytecode. It allows to implement more optmisations and
>> reduce the number of instructions. In my experience, less instructions =
>> faster code.
>> http://faster-cpython.readthedocs.io/registervm.html
>> Mark's bytecode uses registers but also a stack.
>> Victor
>> Le 24 mai 2017 8:09 PM, "Ben Hoyt" <benhoyt at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I was looking at some `dis` output today, and I was wondering if anyone
>>> has investigated optimizing Python (slightly) by adding special-case
>>> bytecodes for common expressions or statements involving constants?
>>> For example, I (and, based on a quick grep of the stdlib, many others)
>>> write "x is None" and "x is not None" very often. Or "return True" or
>>> "return None" or "return 1" and things like that. These all expand into two
>>> bytecodes, which seems pretty non-optimal (LOAD_CONST + COMPARE_OP or
>>> LOAD_CONST + RETURN_VALUE). It seems we could get an easy speedup for these
>>> common cases by adding a peephole optimization and some new opcodes (maybe
>>> I'm not proposing to do this yet, as I'd need to benchmark to see how
>>> much of a gain (if any) it would amount to, but I'm just wondering if
>>> there's any previous work on this kind of thing. Or, if not, any other
>>> thoughts before I try it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ben
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