[Python-Dev] Aligning the packaging.python.org theme with the rest of the docs

David Mertz mertz at gnosis.cx
Mon May 29 18:00:41 EDT 2017

This is a side issue, do I don't want to go too​ long with it. But *NO* we
can't always give permission. The problem isn't how permissive PSF might
like to be in the abstract, but trademark law itself. Trademark is "enforce
it or lose it" ... Even passively allowing dilutive derivatives would cause
us to lose control of the mark, i.e. we would not have legal authority to
prohibit the misleading uses we actually care about preventing.

On May 29, 2017 2:32 AM, "Greg Ewing" <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

> In my role as PSF TM committee member, it's often painful to have to
> tell community members that they cannot use e.g. really nice looking
> variants of the Python logo for their projects. Let's not add more
> pain.

But it's always within the PSF's power to give that community
member permission to use that variant if they ask, is it not?
So you don't actually have to tell anyone that they can't
use anything.


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