[Python-Dev] PEP 563: Postponed Evaluation of Annotations

Peter Ludemann pludemann at google.com
Sat Nov 4 14:43:06 EDT 2017

If type annotations are treated like implicit lambdas, then that's a first
step to something similar to Lisp's "special forms". A full generalization
of that would allow, for example, logging.debug to not evaluate its args
unless debugging is turned on (I use a logging.debug wrapper that allows
lambdas as args, and evaluates them if debugging is turned on).

Maybe a better question is whether we want "special forms" in Python. It
complicates some things but simplifies others. But things that satisfy Lisp
programmers might not make Python programmers happy. ;)

On 4 November 2017 at 09:42, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:

> I'm very worried about trying to come up with a robust implementation of
> this in under 12 weeks. By contrast, the stringification that Ɓukasz is
> proposing feels eminently doable.
> On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 6:51 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 4 November 2017 at 00:40, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
>> > IMO the inability of referencing class-level definitions from
>> annotations on
>> > methods pretty much kills this idea.
>> If we decided we wanted to make it work, I think the key runtime
>> building block we would need is a new kind of cell reference: an
>> IndirectAttributeCell.
>> Those would present the same interface as a regular nonlocal cell (so
>> it could be stored in __closure__ just as regular cells are, and
>> accessed the same way when the function body is executed), but
>> internally it would hold two references:
>> - one to another cell object (__class__ for this use case)
>> - an attribute name on the target object that get/set/del operations
>> on the indirect cell's value should affect
>> As Python code:
>>     class IndirectAttributeCell:
>>         def __new__(cls, cell, attr):
>>             self._cell = cell
>>             self._attr = attr
>>         @property
>>         def cell_contents(self):
>>             return getattr(self._cell.cell_contents, self._attr)
>>         @cell_contents.setter
>>         def cell_contents(self, value):
>>             setattr(self._cell.cell_contents, self._attr, value)
>>         @cell_contents.deleter
>>         def cell_contents(self):
>>             delattr(self._cell.cell_contents, self._attr)
>> The class body wouldn't be able to evaluate the thunks (since
>> `__class__` wouldn't be set yet), but `__init_subclass__`
>> implementations could, as could class decorators.
>> It would require some adjustment in the compiler as well (in order to
>> pass the class level attribute definitions down to these implicitly
>> defined scopes as a new kind of accessible external namespace during
>> the symbol analysis pass, as well as to register the use of
>> "__class__" if one of the affected names was referenced), but I think
>> it would work at least at a technical level (by contrast, every other
>> idea I came up with back when I was working on the list comprehension
>> change was sufficiently flawed that it fell apart within a few hours
>> of starting to tinker with the idea).
>> As an added bonus, we could potentially also extend the same
>> permissive name resolution semantics to the implicit scopes used in
>> comprehensions, such that it was only the explicitly defined scopes
>> (i.e. lambda expressions, function definitions, and nested classes)
>> that lost implicit access to the class level variables.
>> Cheers,
>> Nick.
>> P.S. If we subsequently decided to elevate expression thunks to a
>> first class language primitive, they shouldn't need any further
>> semantic enhancements beyond that one, since the existing scoping
>> rules already give the desired behaviour at module and function scope.
>> --
>> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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