[Python-Dev] Inheritance vs composition in backcompat (PEP521)

Koos Zevenhoven k7hoven at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 17:08:58 EDT 2017

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 1:11 AM, Koos Zevenhoven <k7hoven at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Oct 3, 2017 01:00, "Guido van Rossum" <guido at python.org> wrote:
>  Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Koos Zevenhoven <k7hoven at gmail.com> wrote
> I don't mind this (or Nathaniel ;-) being academic. The backwards
>> incompatibility issue I've just described applies to any extension via
>> composition, if the underlying type/protocol grows new members (like the CM
>> protocol would have gained __suspend__ and __resume__ in PEP521).
> Since you seem to have a good grasp on this issue, does PEP 550 suffer
> from the same problem? (Or PEP 555, for that matter? :-)
> Neither has this particular issue, because they don't extend an existing
> protocol. If this thread has any significance, it will most likely be
> elsewhere.

​Actually, I realize I should be more precise with terminology regarding
"extending an existing protocol"/"growing new members". Below, I'm still
using PEP 521 as an example (sorry).

In fact, in some sense, "adding" __suspend__ and __resume__ to context
managers *does not* extend the context manager protocol, even though it
kind of looks like it does.

There would instead be two separate protocols:

(A) The traditional PEP 343 context manager:

(B) The hyphothetical PEP 521 context manager:

Protocols A and B are incompatible in both directions:

* It is generally not safe to use a type-A context manager assuming it
implements B.

* It is generally not safe to use a type-B context manager assuming it
implements A.

But if you now have a type-B object, it looks like it's also type-A,
especially for code that is not aware of the existence of B. This is where
the problems come from: a wrapper for type A does the wrong thing when
wrapping a type-B object (except when using inheritance).

[Side note:

Another interpretation of the situation is that, instead of adding protocol
B, A is removed and is replaced with:

(C) The hypothetical PEP 521 context manager with optional members:
    __suspend__ (optional)
    __resume__  (optional)

But now the same problems just come from the fact that A no longer exists
while there is code out there that assumes A. But this is only a useful
interpretation if you are the only user of the protocol or if it's
otherwise ok to remove A. So let's go back to the A-B interpretation.]

Q: Could the problem of protocol conflict be solved?

One way to tell A and B apart would be to always explicitly mark the
protocol with a base class. Obviously this is not the case with existing
uses of context managers.

But there's another way, which is to change the naming:

(A) The traditional PEP 343 context manager:

(Z) The *modified* hyphothetical PEP 521 context manager:

Now, A and Z are easy to tell apart. A context manager wrapper designed for
type A immediately fails if used to wrap a type-Z object. But of course the
whole context manager concept now suddenly became a lot more complicated.

It is interesting that, in the A-B scheme, making a general context manager
wrapper using inheritance *just works*, even if A is not a subprotocol of B
and B is not a subprotocol of A.

Anyway, a lot of this is amplified by the fact that the methods of the
context manager protocols are not independent functionality. Instead,
calling one of them leads to the requirement that the other methods are
also called at the right moments.


+ Koos Zevenhoven + http://twitter.com/k7hoven +
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