[Python-Dev] PEP 572: Assignment Expressions

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Tue Apr 24 03:12:52 EDT 2018

Chris Jerdonek wrote:

>>>if (diff := x - x_base) and (g := gcd(diff, n)) > 1:

> "if diff, which we let equal x - x_base, and g, which ..." or
> "if diff, which we set equal to x - x_base, and g, which ...." or
> "if diff, which we define to be x - x_base, and g, which ...." or
> "if diff, which we define as x - x_base, and g, which ....." etc.

How about "being" as a keyword:

   if (diff being x - x_base) and (g being gcd(diff, n)) > 1:
     return g

An advantage is that you're not likely to be tempted to write

    diff being x - x_base

on its own as a statement.


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