[Python-Dev] PEP 573 -- Module State Access from C Extension Methods

Thomas Wouters thomas at python.org
Thu Apr 26 09:32:38 EDT 2018

Thanks for working on this, Marcel (and Petr). This looks like an ambitious
intern project :) Couple of questions and comments in-line.

On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 12:36 PM, Marcel Plch <gmarcel.plch at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I am an intern at Red Hat mentored by Petr Viktorin. As a part of my
> internship, I learned the CPython internals and how to contribute
> to the CPython interpreter.
> As a result, I have prepared PEP 573, which solves some problems
> that PEP 489 (Multi-phase extension module initialization) has left open.
> Specifically, this PEP proposes a way to access per-module state from
> methods of
> built-in and extension types.
> Like PEP 489, it aims to make subinterpreter-friendly built-in/extension
> modules
> easier to create.
> A big problem found when converting many modules to PEP 489 multi-phase
> initialization is subinterpreter-friendly access to exception
> types defined in built-in/extension modules.
> This PEP solves this by introducing "immutable exception types".
> The current implementation requires one new type flag and two new
> pointers in the heap type structure.
> It should be possible to remove eiher the flag or one of the two pointers,
> if we agree on the other mechanics in the PEP .
> ===================
> PEP: 573
> Title: Module State Access from C Extension Methods
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Petr Viktorin <encukou at gmail.com>,
>         Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>,
>         Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com>,
>         Marcel Plch <gmarcel.plch at gmail.com>
> Discussions-To: import-sig at python.org
> Status: Active
> Type: Process
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 02-Jun-2016
> Python-Version: 3.8
> Post-History:
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP proposes to add a way for CPython extension methods to access
> context such as
> the state of the modules they are defined in.
> This will allow extension methods to use direct pointer dereferences
> rather than PyState_FindModule for looking up module state, reducing
> or eliminating the
> performance cost of using module-scoped state over process global state.
> This fixes one of the remaining roadblocks for adoption of PEP 3121
> (Extension
> module initialization and finalization) and PEP 489
> (Multi-phase extension module initialization).
> Additionaly, support for easier creation of immutable exception
> classes is added.

I'm not a fan of using 'immutable' here, or in the API function name. I
understand the types are to some extent immutable (apart from their
refcount, I assume), but I think it's going to be too easy to confuse it
with types whose *instances* are immutable. (We do occasionally say things
like "tuples are an immutable type".) Since the point is that they behave
like statically defined ones, perhaps 'Static' would be a reasonable

This removes the need for keeping per-module state if it would only be used
> for exception classes.
> While this PEP takes an additional step towards fully solving the
> problems that PEP 3121 and PEP 489 started
> tackling, it does not attempt to resolve *all* remaining concerns. In
> particular, accessing the module state from slot methods (``nb_add``,
> etc) remains slower than accessing that state from other extension
> methods.
> Terminology
> ===========
> Process-Global State
> --------------------
> C-level static variables. Since this is very low-level
> memory storage, it must be managed carefully.
> Per-module State
> ----------------
> State local to a module object, allocated dynamically as part of a
> module object's initialization. This isolates the state from other
> instances of the module (including those in other subinterpreters).
> Accessed by ``PyModule_GetState()``.
> Static Type
> -----------
> A type object defined as a C-level static variable, i.e. a compiled-in
> type object.
> A static type needs to be shared between module instances and has no
> information of what module it belongs to.
> Static types do not have ``__dict__`` (although their instances might).
> Heap Type
> ---------
> A type object created at run time.
> Rationale
> =========
> PEP 489 introduced a new way to initialize extension modules, which brings
> several advantages to extensions that implement it:
>     * The extension modules behave more like their Python counterparts.
>     * The extension modules can easily support loading into pre-existing
>       module objects, which paves the way for extension module support for
>       ``runpy`` or for systems that enable extension module reloading.
>     * Loading multiple modules from the same extension is possible, which
>       makes testing module isolation (a key feature for proper
> sub-interpreter
>       support) possible from a single interpreter.
> The biggest hurdle for adoption of PEP 489 is allowing access to module
> state
> from methods of extension types.
> Currently, the way to access this state from extension methods is by
> looking up the module via
> ``PyState_FindModule`` (in contrast to module level functions in
> extension modules, which
> receive a module reference as an argument).
> However, ``PyState_FindModule`` queries the thread-local state, making
> it relatively
> costly compared to C level process global access and consequently
> deterring module authors from using it.
> Also, ``PyState_FindModule`` relies on the assumption that in each
> subinterpreter, there is at most one module corresponding to
> a given ``PyModuleDef``.  This does not align well with Python's import
> machinery.  Since PEP 489 aimed to fix that,  the assumption does
> not hold for modules that use multi-phase initialization, so
> ``PyState_FindModule`` is unavailable for these modules.
> A faster, safer way of accessing module-level state from extension methods
> is needed.
> Immutable Exception Types
> -------------------------
> For isolated modules to work, any class whose methods touch module state
> must be a heap type, so that each instance of a module can have its own
> type object.  With the changes proposed in this PEP, heap type instances
> will
> have access to module state without global registration.  But, to create
> instances of heap types, one will need the module state in order to
> get the type object corresponding to the appropriate module.
> In short, heap types are "viral" – anything that “touches” them must
> itself be
> a heap type.
> Curently, most exception types, apart from the ones in ``builtins``, are
> heap types.  This is likely simply because there is a convenient way
> to create them: ``PyErr_NewException``.
> Heap types generally have a mutable ``__dict__``.
> In most cases, this mutability is harmful.  For example, exception types
> from the ``sqlite`` module are mutable and shared across subinterpreters.
> This allows "smuggling" values to other subinterpreters via attributes of
> ``sqlite3.Error``.
> Moreover, since raising exceptions is a common operation, and heap types
> will be "viral", ``PyErr_NewException`` will tend to "infect" the module
> with "heap type-ness" – at least if the module decides play well with
> subinterpreters/isolation.
> Many modules could go without module state
> entirely if the exception classes were immutable.
> To solve this problem, a new function for creating immutable exception
> types
> is proposed.
> Background
> ===========
> The implementation of a Python method may need access to one or more of
> the following pieces of information:
>    * The instance it is called on (``self``)
>    * The underlying function
>    * The class the method was defined in
>    * The corresponding module
>    * The module state
> In Python code, the Python-level equivalents may be retrieved as::
>     import sys
>         def meth(self):
>             instance = self
>             module_globals = globals()
>             module_object = sys.modules[__name__]  # (1)
>             underlying_function = Foo.meth         # (1)
>             defining_class = Foo                   # (1)
>             defining_class = __class__             # (2)
> .. note::
>     The defining class is not ``type(self)``, since ``type(self)`` might
>     be a subclass of ``Foo``.
> The statements marked (1) implicitly rely on name-based lookup via the
> function's ``__globals__``:
> either the ``Foo`` attribute to access the defining class and Python
> function object, or ``__name__`` to find the module object in
> ``sys.modules``.
> In Python code, this is feasible, as ``__globals__`` is set
> appropriately when the function definition is executed, and
> even if the namespace has been manipulated to return a different
> object, at worst an exception will be raised.
> The ``__class__`` closure, (2), is a safer way to get the defining
> class, but it still relies on ``__closure__`` being set appropriately.
> By contrast, extension methods are typically implemented as normal C
> functions.
> This means that they only have access to their arguments and C level
> thread-local
> and process-global states. Traditionally, many extension modules have
> stored
> their shared state in C-level process globals, causing problems when:
>     * running multiple initialize/finalize cycles in the same process
>     * reloading modules (e.g. to test conditional imports)
>     * loading extension modules in subinterpreters
> PEP 3121 attempted to resolve this by offering the
> ``PyState_FindModule`` API, but this still has significant problems
> when it comes to extension methods (rather than module level
> functions):
>     * it is markedly slower than directly accessing C-level process-global
> state
>     * there is still some inherent reliance on process global state
> that means it still doesn't reliably handle module reloading
> It's also the case that when looking up a C-level struct such as
> module state, supplying
> an unexpected object layout can crash the interpreter, so it's
> significantly more important to ensure that extension
> methods receive the kind of object they expect.
> Proposal
> ========
> Currently, a bound extension method (``PyCFunction`` or
> ``PyCFunctionWithKeywords``) receives only
> ``self``, and (if applicable) the supplied positional and keyword
> arguments.
> While module-level extension functions already receive access to the
> defining module object via their
> ``self`` argument, methods of extension types don't have that luxury:
> they receive the bound instance
> via ``self``, and hence have no direct access to the defining class or
> the module level state.
> The additional module level context described above can be made
> available with two changes.
> Both additions are optional; extension authors need to opt in to start
> using them:
>     * Add a pointer to the module to heap type objects.
>     * Pass the defining class to the underlying C function.
>       The defining class is readily available at the time built-in
>       method object (``PyCFunctionObject``) is created, so it can be stored
>       in a new struct that extends ``PyCFunctionObject``.
> The module state can then be retrieved from the module object via
> ``PyModule_GetState``.
> Note that this proposal implies that any type whose method needs to access
> per-module state must be a heap type, rather than a static type.
> This is necessary to support loading multiple module objects from a single
> extension: a static type, as a C-level global, has no information about
> which module it belongs to.
> Slot methods
> ------------
> The above changes don't cover slot methods, such as ``tp_iter`` or
> ``nb_add``.
> The problem with slot methods is that their C API is fixed, so we can't
> simply add a new argument to pass in the defining class.
> Two possible solutions have been proposed to this problem:
>     * Look up the class through walking the MRO.
>       This is potentially expensive, but will be useful if performance is
> not
>       a problem (such as when raising a module-level exception).
>     * Storing a pointer to the defining class of each slot in a separate
> table,
>       ``__typeslots__`` [#typeslots-mail]_.  This is technically
> feasible and fast,
>       but quite invasive.
> Due to the invasiveness of the latter approach, this PEP proposes
> adding an MRO walking
> helper for use in slot method implementations, deferring the more
> complex alternative
> as a potential future optimisation. Modules affected by this concern
> also have the
> option of using thread-local state or PEP 567 context variables, or
> else defining their
> own reload-friendly lookup caching scheme.

I do not believe walking the MRO is going to work without reworking the
implementation of types, specifically how typeobject.c deals with slots of
subclasses: in some cases copies the slots from the base class (see
inherit_slots() and from where it's called). I believe this would cause
problems if, for example, you define type X in module A, subclass it from
type Y in module B without overriding the slot, and try to find the module
object for A from the slot implementation. I don't think copying slots is a
requirement for the desired semantics, but it's going to be fairly involved
to rewrite it to do something else. There's also backward-compatibility to
consider: third-party libraries can be inheriting from builtin types (e.g.
numpy does this extensively) using the same copying-slot mechanism, which
means those builtin types can't use the MRO walking to find their module
without breaking compatibility with those third-party libraries.

> Immutable Exception Types
> -------------------------
> To faciliate creating static exception classes, a new function is proposed:
> ``PyErr_PrepareImmutableException``. It will work similarly to
> ``PyErr_NewExceptionWithDoc``
> but will take a ``PyTypeObject **`` pointer, which points to a
> ``PyTypeObject *`` that is
> either ``NULL`` or an initialized ``PyTypeObject``.
> This pointer may be declared in process-global state. The function will
> then
> allocate the object and will keep in mind that already existing exception
> should not be overwritten.
> The extra indirection makes it possible to make
> ``PyErr_PrepareImmutableException``
> part of the stable ABI by having the Python interpreter, rather than
> extension code,
> allocate the ``PyTypeObject``.
> Specification
> =============
> Adding module references to heap types
> --------------------------------------
> The ``PyHeapTypeObject`` struct will get a new member, ``PyObject
> *ht_module``,
> that can store a pointer to the module object for which the type was
> defined.
> It will be ``NULL`` by default, and should not be modified after the type
> object is created.
> A new factory method will be added for creating modules::
>     PyObject* PyType_FromModuleAndSpec(PyObject *module,
>                                        PyType_Spec *spec,
>                                        PyObject *bases)
> This acts the same as ``PyType_FromSpecWithBases``, and additionally sets
> ``ht_module`` to the provided module object.
> Additionally, an accessor, ``PyObject * PyType_GetModule(PyTypeObject *)``
> will be provided.
> It will return the ``ht_module`` if a heap type with module pointer set
> is passed in, otherwise it will set a SystemError and return NULL.
> Usually, creating a class with ``ht_module`` set will create a reference
> cycle involving the class and the module.
> This is not a problem, as tearing down modules is not a
> performance-sensitive
> operation (and module-level functions typically also create reference
> cycles).
> The existing "set all module globals to None" code that breaks function
> cycles
> through ``f_globals`` will also break the new cycles through ``ht_module``.
> Passing the defining class to extension methods
> -----------------------------------------------
> A new style of C-level functions will be added to the current selection of
> ``PyCFunction`` and ``PyCFunctionWithKeywords``::
>     PyObject *PyCMethod(PyObject *self,
>                         PyTypeObject *defining_class,
>                         PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
> A new method object flag, ``METH_METHOD``, will be added to signal that
> the underlying C function is ``PyCMethod``.
> To hold the extra information, a new structure extending
> ``PyCFunctionObject``
> will be added::
>     typedef struct {
>         PyCFunctionObject func;
>         PyTypeObject *mm_class; /* Passed as 'defining_class' arg to
> the C func */
>     } PyCMethodObject;
> To allow passing the defining class to the underlying C function, a change
> to private API is required, now ``_PyMethodDef_RawFastCallDict`` and
> ``_PyMethodDef_RawFastCallKeywords`` will receive ``PyTypeObject *cls``
> as one of their arguments.
> A new macro ``PyCFunction_GET_CLASS(cls)`` will be added for easier
> access to mm_class.
> Method construction and calling code and will be updated to honor
> Argument Clinic
> ---------------
> To support passing the defining class to methods using Argument Clinic,
> a new converter will be added to clinic.py: ``defining_class``.
> Each method may only have one argument using this converter, and it must
> appear after ``self``, or, if ``self`` is not used, as the first argument.
> The argument will be of type ``PyTypeObject *``.
> When used, Argument Clinic will select ``METH_METHOD`` as the calling
> convention.
> The argument will not appear in ``__text_signature__``.
> This will be compatible with ``__init__`` and ``__new__`` methods, where an
> MRO walker will be used to pass the defining class from clinic generated
> code to the user's function.
> Slot methods
> ------------
> To allow access to per-module state from slot methods, an MRO walker
> will be implemented::
>     PyTypeObject *PyType_DefiningTypeFromSlotFunc(PyTypeObject *type,
>                                                   int slot, void *func)
> The walker will go through bases of heap-allocated ``type``
> and search for class that defines ``func`` at its ``slot``.
> The ``func`` needs not to be inherited by ``type``, only requirement
> for the walker to find the defining class is that the defining class
> must be heap-allocated.
> On failure, exception is set and NULL is returned.
> Static exceptions
> -----------------
> A new function will be added::
>     int PyErr_PrepareImmutableException(PyTypeObject **exc,
>                                      const char *name,
>                                      const char *doc,
>                                      PyObject *base)
> Creates an immutable exception type which can be shared
> across multiple module objects.

How is this going to deal with type.__subclasses__()? Is re-using the
static type object between reloads and sub-interpreters important enough to
warrant the different behaviour? What if sub-interpreters end up wanting to
disallow sharing objects between them?

If the type already exists (determined by a process-global pointer,
> ``*exc``), skip the initialization and only ``INCREF`` it.
> If ``*exc`` is NULL, the function will
> allocate a new exception type and initialize it using given parameters
> the same way ``PyType_FromSpecAndBases`` would.
> The ``doc`` and ``base`` arguments may be ``NULL``, defaulting to a
> missing docstring and ``PyExc_Exception`` base class, respectively.
> The exception type's ``tp_flags`` will be set to values common to
> built-in exceptions and the ``Py_TPFLAGS_HEAP_IMMUTABLE`` flag (see below)
> will be set.
> On failure, ``PyErr_PrepareImmutableException`` will set an exception
> and return -1.
> If called with an initialized exception type (``*exc``
> is non-NULL), the function will do nothing but incref ``*exc``.
> A new flag, ``Py_TPFLAGS_HEAP_IMMUTABLE``, will be added to prevent
> mutation of the type object. This makes it possible to
> share the object safely between multiple interpreters.
> This flag is checked in ``type_setattro`` and blocks
> setting of attributes when set, similar to built-in types.
> A new pointer, ``ht_moduleptr``, will be added to heap types to store
> ``exc``.
> On deinitialization of the exception type, ``*exc`` will be set to
> ``NULL``.
> This makes it safe for ``PyErr_PrepareImmutableException`` to check if
> the exception was already initialized.
> PyType_offsets
> --------------
> Some extension types are using instances with ``__dict__`` or
> ``__weakref__``
> allocated. Currently, there is no way of passing offsets of these through
> ``PyType_Spec``. To allow this, a new structure and a spec slot are
> proposed.
> A new structure, ``PyType_offsets``, will have two members containing the
> offsets of ``__dict__`` and ``__weakref__``::
>     typedef struct {
>         Py_ssize_t dict;
>         Py_ssize_t weaklist;
>     } PyType_offsets;
> The new slot, ``Py_offsets``, will be used to pass a ``PyType_offsets *``
> structure containing the mentioned data.
> Helpers
> -------
> Getting to per-module state from a heap type is a very common task. To
> make this
> easier, a helper will be added::
>     void *PyType_GetModuleState(PyObject *type)
> This function takes a heap type and on success, it returns pointer to
> state of the
> module that the heap type belongs to.
> On failure, two scenarios may occure. When a type without a module is
> passed in,
> ``SystemError`` is set and ``NULL`` returned. If the module is found,
> pointer
> to the state, which may be ``NULL``, is returned without setting any
> exception.
> Modules Converted in the Initial Implementation
> -----------------------------------------------
> To validate the approach, several modules will be modified during
> the initial implementation:
> The ``zipimport``, ``_io``, ``_elementtree``, and ``_csv`` modules
> will be ported to PEP 489 multiphase initialization.

zipimport currently caches things in C globals. Changing it to use PEP 489
multi-phase initialisation is very likely going to change semantics in
subtle ways... Is it really worth the risk?

> Summary of API Changes and Additions
> ====================================
> New functions:
> * PyType_GetModule
> * PyType_DefiningTypeFromSlotFunc
> * PyType_GetModuleState
> * PyErr_PrepareImmutableException
> New macros:
> * PyCFunction_GET_CLASS
> New types:
> * PyCMethodObject
> New structures:
> * PyType_offsets
> Modified functions:
> * _PyMethodDef_RawFastCallDict now receives ``PyTypeObject *cls``.
> * _PyMethodDef_RawFastCallKeywords now receives ``PyTypeObject *cls``.
> Modified structures:
> * _heaptypeobject - added ht_module and ht_moduleptr
> Other changes:
> * METH_METHOD call flag
> * defining_class converter in clinic
> * Py_offsets type spec slot
> Backwards Compatibility
> =======================
> Two new pointers are added to all heap types.
> All other changes are adding new functions, structures and a type flag.
> The new ``PyErr_PrepareImmutableException`` function changes encourages
> modules to switch from using heap type Exception classes to immutable ones,
> and a number of modules will be switched in the initial implementation.
> This change will prevent adding class attributes to such types.
> For example, the following will raise AttributeError::
>     sqlite.OperationalError.foo = None
> Instances and subclasses of such exceptions will not be affected.
> Implementation
> ==============
> An initial implementation is available in a Github repository [#gh-repo]_;
> a patchset is at [#gh-patch]_.
> Possible Future Extensions
> ==========================
> Easy creation of types with module references
> ---------------------------------------------
> It would be possible to add a PEP 489 execution slot type to make
> creating heap types significantly easier than calling
> ``PyType_FromModuleAndSpec``.
> This is left to a future PEP.
> Optimization
> ------------
> CPython optimizes calls to methods that have restricted signatures,
> such as not allowing keyword arguments.
> As proposed here, methods defined with the ``METH_METHOD`` flag do not
> support
> these optimizations.
> Optimized calls still have the option of accessing per-module state
> the same way slot methods do.
> References
> ==========
> .. [#typeslots-mail] [Import-SIG] On singleton modules, heap types,
> and subinterpreters
>    (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2015-July/001035.html)
> .. [#gh-repo]
>    https://github.com/Traceur759/cpython/commits/pep-c
> .. [#gh-patch]
>    https://github.com/Traceur759/cpython/compare/master...
> Traceur759:pep-c.patch
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
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Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org>

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