[Python-Dev] Fwd: Examples for PEP 572

Stéfane Fermigier sf at fermigier.com
Wed Jul 4 06:36:39 EDT 2018

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 12:09 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:

> Even assuming your figures to be 100% accurate, I don't think you can
> accept that scaling. Are you claiming that every high school student
> (a) continues to use Python forever, and (b) continues to use it at a
> non-professional level? I find that highly unlikely.

What I'm claiming is that ~300 000 pupils in "seconde" (~ 10th grade in the
US, cf.
) are supposed to start learning (some basics of) Python this year during
their math classes, next year theses 300k pupils will be in 11th grade and
still be doing some Python, and next year they will be in 12th and pass
their baccalauréat (~ "high school diploma").

That's 1 millions pupils actively learning some Python in 2020, not
counting other categories of students ("classes prépa", engineering school,

A majority of them will probably stop being involved with Python later, and
a small percentage will become "professional Python programmers".

I'm pretty dubious that these figures will correspond to the rest of
> the world,

It's probably similar to every country where Python is the recommended or
mandated language for teaching algorithmics or the basics of CS in school.
I have unfortunately no idea if there are any other countries in a similar

And dissimilar to countries where CS is not taught in schools, or another
language is used (Scratch or other block-languages are usually popular).

(Fun fact: before Python, the language that used to be taught in high
school in France, though only to a minority of students, used to be OCaml,
a language that was created by french academics in the 80s and 90s. Python
won because it's simpler and more mainstream.)


> where you can't expect that every single high school
> student is using Python.
> ChrisA
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Stefane Fermigier - http://fermigier.com/ - http://twitter.com/sfermigier -
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