[Python-Dev] Tone it down on Twitter?

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Wed Jul 4 14:34:33 EDT 2018

I was going to answer that I agree the language there is unwarranted,
but then it came to me that the best way to keep things civil is perhaps
not to discuss Twitter-emitted opinions back on python-dev.



On Wed, 4 Jul 2018 17:48:21 +0200
Stefan Krah <skrah at bytereef.org> wrote:
> Apparently I have made it into "club of three who don't care much about
> opinions of others" for the crime of a single +0.5 for PEP-572 without
> participating in the discussion at all (neither did Jason).
> https://twitter.com/SerhiyStorchaka/status/1014274554452209665
> This is a new high for Twitter gossip.  Well done.  Perhaps in the next vote
> the politbureau can indicate the intended outcome beforehand so we know how
> to vote.
> Thanks,
> Stefan Krah

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