[Python-Dev] Encoding variable-length integers/counts in pickle
Andrew McLean
lists at andros.org.uk
Tue Jul 10 06:03:03 EDT 2018
Google Protocol Buffers use something similar, which they call "
128 Varints"
I prefer the way this handles negative numbers.
- Andrew
On 10 July 2018 at 02:53, MRAB <python at mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> In the regex module I use an encoding scheme when pickling pattern objects
> which is based on the way MIDI encodes variable-length integers, and I
> think it might have a use in a pickle protocol.
> In the basic format, an integer is split up into 7-bit chunks, each chunk
> put into a byte, and the most-significant bit of the byte used to signal
> whether the value continues into the following byte.
> And integer must be encoded into the minimum number of bytes, so an
> encoded sequence of bytes would never start with 0x80.
> MIDI deviates from the basic idea in order to reduce the number of bytes,
> so as sequence of bytes in MIDI _can_ start with x080; this is fine for
> MIDI because it doesn't need to represent negative integers.
> The format I'm suggesting uses an initial 0x80 as a way of letting it
> encode negative integers.
> Here are a couple of Python functions that summarise the encoding and
> decoding (minus obvious optimisations for simplicity):
> def encode_varint(value: int) -> List[int]:
> negative = value < 0
> encoded = []
> if negative:
> final = -1
> else:
> final = 0
> while True:
> encoded.append(0x80 | (value & 0x7F))
> value >>= 7
> if value == final:
> break
> if negative:
> encoded.append(0x80)
> encoded.reverse()
> encoded[-1] &= 0x7F
> return encoded
> def decode_varint(encoded: Iterable[int]) -> int:
> byte = next(encoded)
> if byte == 0x80:
> value = -1
> byte = next(encoded)
> else:
> value = 0
> value = (value << 7) | (byte & 0x7F)
> while (byte & 0x80) != 0:
> byte = next(encoded)
> value = (value << 7) | (byte & 0x7F)
> return value
> The advantage of encoding integers in this way is that there's no limit to
> their size, so there's no need to add a new protocol to support larger
> counts.
> They can also make pickles smaller.
> Example:
> # Pickle (None, )
> 0: \x80 PROTO 4
> 2: \x95 FRAME 4
> 11: N NONE
> 12: \x85 TUPLE1
> 13: \x94 MEMOIZE (as 0)
> 14: . STOP
> Here, FRAME takes an argument of 8 bytes. If you replaced FRAME with a
> version that accepted a variable-length count, you could reduce that
> argument to 1 byte.
> You also wouldn't need to have different fixed-length versions of an
> Whether you do anything with this is entirely up to the core devs, I just
> thought someone might find it useful.
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