[Python-Dev] PEP 579 and PEP 580: refactoring C functions and methods

Jeroen Demeyer J.Demeyer at UGent.be
Wed Jun 20 04:53:18 EDT 2018


Let me present PEP 579 and PEP 580.

PEP 579 is an informational meta-PEP, listing some of the issues with 
functions/methods implemented in C. The idea is to create several PEPs 
each fix some part of the issues mentioned in PEP 579.

PEP 580 is a standards track PEP to introduce a new "C call" protocol, 
which is an important part of PEP 579. In the reference implementation 
(which is work in progress), this protocol will be used by built-in 
functions and methods. However, it should be used by more classes in the 

You find the texts at


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