[Python-Dev] Slow down...
David Mertz
mertz at gnosis.cx
Tue May 8 14:45:01 EDT 2018
This seems like a rather bad idea. None of the core changes in the last few
versions were on the radar 10 years in advance. And likewise, no one really
knows what new issues will become critical over the next 10.
The asyncio module and the async/await keywords only developed as important
concerns for a year or two before they became part of the language.
Likewise for type annotations. Neither is used by most Python programmers,
but for a subset, they are very important.
I supposed f-strings are incidental. We could have lived without them (I
myself doughty opposed "another way to do it"). But they do make code nicer
at the cost of incompatible syntax. Likewise underscores in numbers like
17_527_103. Not everyone needs the __mmul__() operator. But for linear
algebra, 'a @ b.T' is better than 'np.dot(a, b.T)'.
On Mon, May 7, 2018, 3:10 PM Craig Rodrigues <rodrigc at crodrigues.org> wrote:
> On Sun, May 6, 2018 at 7:35 PM Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm inclined to agree that a Python 3.8 PEP in the spirit of the PEP 3003
>> language moratorium could be a very good idea. Between matrix
>> multiplication, enhanced tuple unpacking, native coroutines, f-strings, and
>> type hinting for variable assignments, we've had quite a bit of syntactic
>> churn in the past few releases, and the rest of the ecosystem really hasn't
>> caught up on it all yet (and that's not just other implementations - it's
>> training material, online courses, etc, etc).
>> If we're going to take such a step, now's also the time to do it, since
>> 3.8 feature development is only just getting under way, and if we did
>> decide to repeat the language moratorium, we could co-announce it with the
>> Python 3.7 release.
> Would it be reasonable to request a 10 year moratorium on making changes
> to the core Python language,
> and for the next 10 years only focus on things that do not require core
> language changes,
> such as improving/bugfixing existing libraries, writing new libraries,
> improving tooling, improving infrastructure (PyPI),
> improving performance, etc., etc.?
> There are still many companies still stuck on Python 2, so giving 10 years
> of breathing room
> for these companies to catch up to Python 3 core language, even past 2020
> would be very helpful.
> --
> Craig
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