[Python-Dev] Forward of moderated message
Steve Dower
steve.dower at python.org
Wed May 30 14:46:04 EDT 2018
I doubt responding to python-list-bounces made it back, so I've added
the emails from the original message.
As Brett says, this is clearly someone else's build of Python (for
starters, Python 2.7 should not be using ucrtbase.dll), so you would be
best to track them down.
Also, the best address for these issues is certainly
python-dev at python.org and not python-list. I'm also happy to take them
directly to <steve.dower> at <microsoft.com> if it's easier to pass them
on internally.
On 30May2018 0958, Brett Cannon wrote:
> If you look you will see this is being executed from within Kodi, so
> this is probably an embedding situation where Kodi has a bug and they
> are triggering a crash in the interpreter.
> On Wed, 30 May 2018 at 09:22 <python-list-bounces at python.org
> <mailto:python-list-bounces at python.org>> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Oscar Ortiz Garcia (Axelerate LLC)" <v-osort at microsoft.com
> <mailto:v-osort at microsoft.com>>
> To: "python-list at python.org <mailto:python-list at python.org>"
> <python-list at python.org <mailto:python-list at python.org>>
> Cc: Windows Developer Engagements - AppQuality
> <appengage at microsoft.com <mailto:appengage at microsoft.com>>
> Bcc:
> Date: Wed, 30 May 2018 16:03:51 +0000
> Subject: Windows Application Issue | Python Software Foundation |
> REF # 12927041
> Dear Windows developer,____
> I’m a program manager in the Partner App Experience Team at
> Microsoft. We’re reaching out to notify you of a potential issue in
> one of your applications. This issue is automatically generated by
> Windows Error Reporting, a system which generates an error report
> whenever a crash happens on user’s machine.____
> The issue details are below. Our goal is to work with you to address
> this issue and to understand what your expected timeline to address
> this issue might be. If you have any questions about the details
> below or have already addressed this issue in a forthcoming update,
> please let me know.____
> *Issue____*
> *Appcrash in
> FAIL_FAST_FATAL_APP_EXIT_DETOURS_c0000409_python27.dll!PyMapping_HasKey*____
> *Product____*
> Python____
> *Module____*
> python27.dll____
> *Module Version____*
> 2.7.12150.1013____
> *OS____*
> Windows 10 Insider Preview, Windows 10____
> *OS Version____*
> 17134, 16299, 15063, 14393____
> *OS Architecture____*
> x64, x86____
> *Environment____*
> Desktop____
> *Occurrence____*
> More than 0.1M hits in the last 14 days____
> *Impacted Locations____*
> US, Canada, Europe, Brazil____
> *Triage Notes____*
> PROCESS_NAME: kodi.exe____
> ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000409 - The system detected an overrun
> of a stack-based buffer in this application. This overrun could
> potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this
> application.____
> EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000409 - The system detected an
> overrun of a stack-based buffer in this application. This overrun
> could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this
> application.____
> __ __
> WATSON_BKT_MODULE: ucrtbase.dll____
> WATSON_BKT_MODVER: 10.0.17134.1____
> __ __
> __ __
> ID: [0n278]____
> Type: [FAIL_FAST]____
> Class: Primary____
> Scope: DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID (Failure Bucket ID prefix)____
> Name: Add____
> Data: Omit____
> PID: [Unspecified]____
> TID: [Unspecified]____
> Frame: [0]____
> __ __
> ID: [0n267]____
> Type: [FATAL_APP_EXIT]____
> Class: Addendum____
> Scope: DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID (Failure Bucket ID prefix)____
> Name: Add____
> Data: Omit____
> PID: [Unspecified]____
> TID: [Unspecified]____
> Frame: [0]____
> __ __
> ID: [0n138]____
> Type: [DETOURS]____
> Class: Addendum____
> Scope: DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID (Failure Bucket ID prefix)____
> Name: Add____
> Data: Omit____
> PID: [0x3308]____
> TID: [0x2548]____
> Frame: [0] : ucrtbase!abort____
> __ __
> __ __
> STACK_TEXT: ____
> 0dd3db08 56e74b1b 00650063 00610076 003a006c ucrtbase!abort+0x4b____
> WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames
> may be wrong.____
> 0dd3db54 56e3d1b0 56f6ae14 118a9190 00000000 python27+0x164b1b____
> 0dd3dbd4 56e3cded 12db2468 00000000 118a9190 python27+0x12d1b0____
> 0dd3dc0c 56e3c70f 12db6338 12db25a0 12dbe810 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3dc3c 56e5820c 12db6338 12dbe810 12dbe810 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3dc60 56e5be48 118a9190 12db6338 118a94c0 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3dcc4 56e5b6ec 118a9190 118a94c0 0f288ce8 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3dce0 56e5b1b2 118a9190 0f288ce8 118a94c0 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3dd18 56e5b972 56fbe178 118a9190 118a9190 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3dd48 56e5ae86 56fbe178 56fbe178 12da18d4 python27+0x14b972____
> 0dd3dd78 56e5886d 00000000 12da9270 12da9270 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3dd98 56e3783a 12da18d4 12da9270 12da9270 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3ddc8 56deccc7 00000000 12db8150 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3dde8 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12db8150 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3de04 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12db8150 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3de20 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12db8150 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3dea8 56e3cded 11b72800 00000000 118a8800 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3dee0 56e3c70f 12da8b18 11b72938 12da9270 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3df10 56e5820c 12da8b18 12da9270 12da9270 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3df34 56e5be48 118a8800 12da8b18 118a86f0 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3df98 56e5b6ec 118a8800 118a86f0 0f288ea8 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3dfb4 56e5b1b2 118a8800 0f288ea8 118a86f0 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3dfec 56e5b972 12a6bd90 118a880d 118a8800 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3e01c 56e5ae86 12a6bd90 12a6bd90 12a6bdd4 python27+0x14b972____
> 0dd3e04c 56e5886d 00000000 12dbec00 12dbec00 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3e06c 56e3783a 12a6bdd4 12dbec00 12dbec00 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3e09c 56deccc7 00000000 12a44390 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3e0bc 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12a44390 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3e0d8 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12a44390 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3e0f4 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12a44390 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3e17c 56e3cded 12883370 00000000 118a8b30 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3e1b4 56e3c70f 12a58ec0 128834a8 12dbec00 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3e1e4 56e5820c 12a58ec0 12dbec00 12dbec00 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3e208 56e5be48 118a8b30 12a58ec0 118a85e0 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3e26c 56e5b6ec 118a8b30 118a85e0 0f289500 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3e288 56e5bc08 118a8b30 0f289500 118a85e0 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3e2b8 56e5b724 118a8b30 118a8c40 12f14918 python27+0x14bc08____
> 0dd3e2d0 56e5b1b2 118a8b30 00000000 118a8c40 python27+0x14b724____
> 0dd3e308 56e5b972 128b1d90 118a8b38 118a8b30 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3e338 56e5ae86 128b1d90 128b1d90 12a6b9d4 python27+0x14b972____
> 0dd3e368 56e5886d 12a6b9d9 12d8e030 12d8e030 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3e388 56e3783a 12a6b9d4 12d8e030 12d8e030 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3e3b8 56deccc7 00000000 12a55f60 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3e3d8 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12a55f60 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3e3f4 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12a55f60 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3e410 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12a55f60 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3e498 56e3cded 12a70e40 00000000 118a6600 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3e4d0 56e3c70f 12a58e78 12a70f78 12d8e030 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3e500 56e5820c 12a58e78 12d8e030 12d8e030 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3e524 56e5be48 118a6600 12a58e78 118a7f80 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3e588 56e5b6ec 118a6600 118a7f80 0f2895e0 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3e5a4 56e5b1b2 118a6600 0f2895e0 118a7f80 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3e5dc 56e5b972 128b1d90 118a6608 118a6600 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3e60c 56e5ae86 128b1d90 128b1d90 13148d74 python27+0x14b972____
> 0dd3e63c 56e5886d 00000000 1132c9c0 1132c9c0 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3e65c 56e3783a 13148d74 1132c9c0 1132c9c0 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3e68c 56deccc7 00000000 12a55ed0 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3e6ac 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12a55ed0 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3e6c8 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12a55ed0 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3e6e4 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12a55ed0 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3e76c 56e3cded 12b4b590 00000000 118a5500 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3e7a4 56e3c70f 12a583c8 12b4b6c8 1132c9c0 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3e7d4 56e5820c 12a583c8 1132c9c0 1132c9c0 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3e7f8 56e5be48 118a5500 12a583c8 118a72c0 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3e85c 56e5b6ec 118a5500 118a72c0 0f2891b8 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3e878 56e5b1b2 118a5500 0f2891b8 118a72c0 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3e8b0 56e5b972 128b1d90 118a5508 118a5500 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3e8e0 56e5ae86 128b1d90 128b1d90 1122e304 python27+0x14b972____
> 0dd3e910 56e5886d 00000000 128abf60 128abf60 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3e930 56e3783a 1122e304 128abf60 128abf60 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3e960 56deccc7 00000000 12a55960 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3e980 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12a55960 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3e99c 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12a55960 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3e9b8 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12a55960 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3ea40 56e3cded 128b81b8 00000000 118a60b9 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3ea78 56e3c70f 12a7d890 128b82f0 128abf60 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3eaa8 56e5820c 12a7d890 128abf60 128abf60 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3eacc 56e5be48 118a60b9 12a7d890 118a52e0 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3eb30 56e5b6ec 118a60b9 118a52e0 0f289a40 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3eb4c 56e5bc08 118a60b9 0f289a40 118a52e0 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3eb7c 56e5b724 118a60b9 118a62d0 00000000 python27+0x14bc08____
> 0dd3eb94 56e5b1b2 118a60b9 00000000 118a62d0 python27+0x14b724____
> 0dd3ebcc 56e5b9a3 56fbe178 118a60b9 118a60b9 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3ebf0 56e5ae86 128b1d10 56fbe178 13a5f7b4 python27+0x14b9a3____
> 0dd3ec20 56e5886d 00000000 1132cdb0 1132cdb0 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3ec40 56e3783a 13a5f7b4 1132cdb0 1132cdb0 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3ec70 56deccc7 00000000 12a55840 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3ec90 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12a55840 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3ecac 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12a55840 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3ecc8 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12a55840 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3ed50 56e3cded 12a70738 00000000 118a3c98 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3ed88 56e3c70f 12a7d728 12a70870 1132cdb0 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3edb8 56e5820c 12a7d728 1132cdb0 1132cdb0 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3eddc 56e5be48 118a3c98 12a7d728 118a30e0 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3ee40 56e5b6ec 118a3c98 118a30e0 0f2887e0 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3ee5c 56e5bc08 118a3c98 0f2887e0 118a30e0 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3ee8c 56e5b724 118a3c98 118a3da0 00000000 python27+0x14bc08____
> 0dd3eea4 56e5b1b2 118a3c98 00000000 118a3da0 python27+0x14b724____
> 0dd3eedc 56e5b9a3 56fbe178 118a3c98 118a3c98 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3ef00 56e5ae86 13a58bb0 56fbe178 132b31b4 python27+0x14b9a3____
> 0dd3ef30 56e5886d 00000000 1289ba50 1289ba50 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3ef50 56e3783a 132b31b4 1289ba50 1289ba50 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3ef80 56deccc7 00000000 12a555a0 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3efa0 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12a555a0 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3efbc 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12a555a0 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3efd8 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12a555a0 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3f060 56e3cded 13301900 00000000 118a40d0 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3f098 56e3c70f 12a7d5c0 13301a38 1289ba50 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3f0c8 56e5820c 12a7d5c0 1289ba50 1289ba50 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3f0ec 56e5be48 118a40d0 12a7d5c0 118a3850 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3f150 56e5b6ec 118a40d0 118a3850 0f288738 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3f16c 56e5b1b2 118a40d0 0f288738 118a3850 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3f1a4 56e5b972 13a58bb0 118a40d8 118a40d0 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3f1d4 56e5ae86 13a58bb0 56fbe178 12b57114 python27+0x14b972____
> 0dd3f204 56e5886d 00000000 1132c030 1132c030 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3f224 56e3783a 12b57114 1132c030 1132c030 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3f254 56deccc7 00000000 12a55270 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3f274 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12a55270 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3f290 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12a55270 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3f2ac 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12a55270 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3f334 56e3cded 12a71030 00000000 118a3300 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3f36c 56e3c70f 12a528d8 12a71168 1132c030 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3f39c 56e5820c 12a528d8 1132c030 1132c030 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3f3c0 56e5be48 118a3300 12a528d8 118a3740 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3f424 56e5b6ec 118a3300 118a3740 0f283c68 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3f440 56e5b1b2 118a3300 0f283c68 118a3740 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3f478 56e5b972 13a58bb0 118a3308 118a3300 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3f4a8 56e5aec0 13a58bb0 13a58bb0 12a64cfc python27+0x14b972____
> 0dd3f4d8 56e5886d 00000000 12896f60 12896f60 python27+0x14aec0____
> 0dd3f4f8 56e3783a 12a64cf4 12896f60 12896f60 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3f528 56deccc7 00000000 12a55180 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3f548 56db1ac6 0d125f30 12a55180 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3f564 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 12a55180 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3f580 56e3efcf 0d125f30 12a55180 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3f608 56e3cded 11213188 00000000 118a363e python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3f640 56e3c70f 12a52890 112132c0 12896f60 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3f670 56e5820c 12a52890 12896f60 12896f60 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3f694 56e5be48 118a363e 12a52890 118a3520 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3f6f8 56e5b6ec 118a363e 118a3520 0d0ba078 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3f714 56e5b1b2 118a363e 0d0ba078 118a3520 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3f74c 56e5b9a3 56fbe178 118a363e 118a363e python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3f770 56e5ae86 12b758b0 56fbe178 12b6869c python27+0x14b9a3____
> 0dd3f7a0 56e5886d 00000000 12c88780 12c88780 python27+0x14ae86____
> 0dd3f7c0 56e3783a 12b6869c 12c88780 12c88780 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3f7f0 56deccc7 00000000 1107f300 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3f810 56db1ac6 0d125f30 1107f300 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3f82c 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 1107f300 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3f848 56e3efcf 0d125f30 1107f300 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3f8d0 56e3cded 0f327da0 00000000 0d0783f0 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3f908 56e3c70f 12a83338 0f327ed8 12c88780 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3f938 56e5820c 12a83338 12c88780 12c88780 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3f95c 56e5be48 0d0783f0 12a83338 0d078830 python27+0x14820c____
> 0dd3f9c0 56e5b6ec 0d0783f0 0d078830 0d0b9f98 python27+0x14be48____
> 0dd3f9dc 56e5b1b2 0d0783f0 0d0b9f98 0d078830 python27+0x14b6ec____
> 0dd3fa14 56e5b972 12b758b0 0d0783fe 0d0783f0 python27+0x14b1b2____
> 0dd3fa44 56e5aec0 12b758b0 12b758b0 12aa6f72 python27+0x14b972____
> 0dd3fa74 56e5886d 00000000 0f79b4b0 0f79b4b0 python27+0x14aec0____
> 0dd3fa94 56e3783a 12aa6f64 0f79b4b0 0f79b4b0 python27+0x14886d____
> 0dd3fac4 56deccc7 00000000 128799f0 00000000 python27+0x12783a____
> 0dd3fae4 56db1ac6 0d125f30 128799f0 00000000 python27+0xdccc7____
> 0dd3fb00 56e3c6aa 0d125f30 128799f0 00000000 python27+0xa1ac6____
> 0dd3fb1c 56e3efcf 0d125f30 128799f0 00000000 python27+0x12c6aa____
> 0dd3fba4 56e3cded 11733188 00000000 129f88a8 python27+0x12efcf____
> 0dd3fbdc 56e3c70f 12b43ba8 117332c0 0f79b4b0 python27+0x12cded____
> 0dd3fc0c 56e762ce 12b43ba8 0f79b4b0 0f79b4b0 python27+0x12c70f____
> 0dd3fc28 56e740f8 1379db30 1307ce10 0f79b4b0 python27+0x1662ce____
> 0dd3fc54 019a961b 0f2887e0 1307ce10 00000101 python27+0x1640f8____
> 0dd3fc78 019a8ed7 0f2887e0 0dd3fd84 11052190 kodi+0x6a961b____
> 0dd3fdb0 0196cfa2 0c8f382c 0c8f3844 0c8f382c kodi+0x6a8ed7____
> 0dd3fdc4 019a8118 0c8f382c 0c8f3844 72f486d7 kodi+0x66cfa2____
> 0dd3fe0c 0185ff10 0c8f382c 0c8f3844 0c8f36c8 kodi+0x6a8118____
> 0dd3fe54 014809b1 72f4860f 0d09c618 01480890 kodi+0x55ff10____
> 0dd3fed4 76cbe16f 0c8f36c8 70c961a6 76cbe130 kodi+0x1809b1____
> 0dd3ff10 76868484 0d09c618 76868460 05a1e0fa
> ucrtbase!thread_start<unsigned int (__stdcall*)(void *)>+0x3f____
> 0dd3ff24 77912ec0 0d09c618 c2cf1a0e 00000000
> kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x24____
> 0dd3ff6c 77912e90 ffffffff 7792dede 00000000
> ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f____
> 0dd3ff7c 00000000 76cbe130 0d09c618 00000000
> ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b____
> __ __
> __ __
> MODULE_NAME: python27____
> BUCKET_ID_IMAGE_STR: python27.dll____
> FAILURE_MODULE_NAME: python27____
> *Attachments____*
> N/A____
> *Reference #____*
> 12927041____
> *Windows Insider Preview____*
> If you would like to test your app in windows insider build , sign
> up to the Windows Insider Program to get Windows 10 Insider Preview
> build. https://insider.windows.com____
> *Resource____*
> For any questions on app development (or) submission on windows,
> contact Windows Dev Center.
> https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/support____
> ____
> Thank you for your continued support of Windows!____
> Regards,____
> cid:iconId____
> AppEngage Team
> Outreach and Engagement | Partner App Experience
> EMAIL appengage at microsoft.com <http://appengage@microsoft.com>____
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