[Python-Dev] Official citation for Python
Wes Turner
wes.turner at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 00:05:43 EDT 2018
On Sunday, September 9, 2018, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:
> On 9/9/2018 3:43 PM, Jacqueline Kazil wrote:
>> <http:///>The PSF has received a few inquiries asking the question —
>> “How do I cite Python?”So, I am reaching out to you all to figure this out.
>> (For those that don’t know my background, I have been in academia for a
>> bit as a Ph.D student and have worked at the Library of Congress writing
>> code to process Marc records <https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/>,
>> among other things.)
>> IMHO the citation for Python should be decided upon by the Python
>> developers and should live somewhere on the site.
>> Two questions to be answered…
>> 1. What format should it take?
> There are by now formats for citing web documents. I presume style guides
> now include such. Try a current version of the Chicago Manual of Style.
> (not sure of exact title). I will ask a university professor who should
> know more than I.
Citation Style Language -- supported by a number of citation tools such as
Zotero and Mendeley -- is used to generate citations in very many citation
styles such as Chicago, MLA,
https://www.zotero.org/styles (9141 styles, really)
BibTeX can be generated with CSL.
SciPy, scikit-learn, statsmodels, and pandas all list bibtex citations in
their docs.
- [ ] Add the Python citation to this list
BibTeX is rather unspecified; in terms of which fields/attributes to define.
Search engines index schema.org metadata; which can be represented as RDF
in HTML (RDFa), microdata, JSON-LD:
Ideally, a tool such as Zotero or Mendeley can auto-detect and parse the
citation for reformatting (with CSL) into whichever citation style is used
for a bibliography / works cited / tools section.
Are there separate citations for Python and CPython?
> This extension allows BibTeX citations to be inserted into documentation
generated by Sphinx, via a bibliography directive, and a cite role, which
work similarly to LaTeX’s thebibliography environment and \cite command.
> 2. Where does it live on the site?
> On https://bugs.python.org/issue26597, I suggested the Copyright page. I
> now think a link to 'Citing these Documents' on https://docs.python.org/3/
> would be even better.
A heading in the docs would be great.
People may also be likely to read the README.
If there are potentially multiple citations, sphinxcontrib-bibtex may be
worth adding to the CPython docs.
> --
> Terry Jan Reedy
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