[Python-Dev] Adding test.support.safe_rmpath()

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Feb 13 08:27:06 EST 2019

> On 13 Feb 2019, at 13:24, Giampaolo Rodola' <g.rodola at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> after discovering os.makedirs() has no unit-tests (https://bugs.python.org/issue35982 <https://bugs.python.org/issue35982>) I was thinking about working on a PR to increase the test coverage of fs-related os.* functions. In order to do so I think it would be useful to add a convenience function to "just delete something if it exists", regardless if it's a file, directory, directory tree, etc., and include it into test.support module.

Something like shutil.rmtree() with ignore_errors=True?

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