[Python-Dev] datetime.timedelta total_microseconds

Paul Ganssle paul at ganssle.io
Sat Feb 16 12:16:32 EST 2019

I am definitely sympathetic to the idea of it being more readable, but I
feel like this adds some unnecessary bloat to the interface when "divide
the value by the units" is not at all uncommon. Plus, if you add a
total_duration that by default does the same thing as total_seconds, you
now have three functions that do exactly the same thing:

- td / timedelta(seconds=1)
- td.total_seconds()
- total_duration(td)

If it's just for the purposes of readability, you can also do this:

    from operator import truediv as total_duration   # (timedelta, interval)

I think if we add such a function, it will essentially be just a slower
version of something that already exists. I suspect the main reason the
"divide the timedelta by the interval" thing isn't a common enough idiom
that people see it all the time is that it's only supported in Python 3.
As more code drops Python 2, I think the "td / interval" idiom will
hopefully become common enough that it will obviate the need for a
total_duration function.

That said, if people feel very strongly that a total_duration function
would be useful, maybe the best thing to do would be for me to add it to
dateutil.utils? In that case it would at least be available in Python 2,
so people who find it more readable /and/ people still writing polyglot
code would be able to use it, without the standard library unnecessarily
providing two ways to do the exact same thing.

On 2/16/19 11:59 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Feb 2019 at 04:15, Alexander Belopolsky
> <alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 9:07 AM Paul Ganssle <paul at ganssle.io> wrote:
>>> I don't think it's totally unreasonable to have other total_X() methods, where X would be days, hours, minutes and microseconds
>> I do.  I was against adding the total_seconds() method to begin with because the same effect can be achieved with
>> delta / timedelta(seconds=1)
>> this is easily generalized to
>> delta / timedelta(X=1)
>> where X can be days, hours, minutes or microseconds.
> As someone who reads date/time manipulation code far more often then
> he writes it, it's immediately obvious to me what
> "delta.total_seconds()" is doing, while "some_var / some_other_var"
> could be doing anything.
> So for the sake of those us that aren't as well versed in how time
> delta division works, it seems to me that adding:
>     def total_duration(td, interval=timedelta(seconds=1)):
>         return td / interval
> as a module level helper function would make a lot of sense. (This is
> a variant on Paul's helper function that accepts the divisor as a
> specifically named argument with a default value, rather than creating
> it on every call)
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> P.S. Why a function rather than a method? Mostly because this feels
> like "len() for timedelta objects" to me, but also because as a helper
> function, the docs can easily describe how to add it as a utility
> function for older versions.
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