[Python-Dev] "Good first issues" on the bug tracker
Stephen J. Turnbull
turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Mon Feb 25 03:59:01 EST 2019
Karthikeyan writes:
> I would also recommend waiting for a core dev or someone to provide some
> feedback or confirmation on even an easy issue's fix
FWIW, I don't think waiting on core devs is a very good idea, because
we just don't have enough free core dev time, and I don't think we (or
any project!) ever will -- if core devs have enough free time to do
lots of triage and commenting, they're the kind of developer who also
has plenty of own projects on the back burner.
OTOH, new developers aren't going to know who the core devs are, and
it's probably true that an issue with comments on it is likely to be
easier to get your head wrapped around than one without. (I don't
know that non-core devs are any more likely to make comments, though.)
> since it's easy to propose a fix to be later rejected due to
> various reasons
This is certainly true, but:
> resulting in wasted work
I have to disagree. Learning is hard work, and at least you get to
spend that effort on Python doing it the way you think is right. If
you got it wrong in the opinion of a committer, you learn something,
because they're usually right (for Python), that's how they get to be
core developers.
The work that I consider wasted is when I tell the boss that the idea
sucks and why, they say we're going to do it so STFU and write, and
then when they see the product they say "Ohhhhhh."
> and disappointment.
Yes. It is disappointing when something you think is useful, even
important, gets tabled just before the feature freeze. Especially
when it gets postponed because somebody has decided that something
unrelated that your code touches that's not broke needs fixing[1] but
they haven't decided what that means.
My answer to that is to have lots of little projects pending time to
work on them, even though I'm not a core developer. FWIW, YMMV as
they say.
[1] Good luck parsing that, but I'm sure you know the feeling.
Associate Professor Division of Policy and Planning Science
http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Faculty of Systems and Information
Email: turnbull at sk.tsukuba.ac.jp University of Tsukuba
Tel: 029-853-5175 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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