[Python-Dev] Removing PendingDeprecationWarning

Victor Stinner vstinner at redhat.com
Fri Mar 22 03:40:38 EDT 2019


I agree to make PendingDeprecationWarning an alias to
DeprecationWarning. I never liked "PendingDeprecationWarning" name,
it's way too long to type :-D

Le ven. 22 mars 2019 à 03:45, Inada Naoki <songofacandy at gmail.com> a écrit :
> I want to stop using PendingDeprecationWarning for new deprecation.

I'm fine with that.

> More aggressively, I want to remove PendingDeprecationWarning class,
> and `PendingDeprecationWarning = DeprecationWarning` for backward
> compatibility.

I'm not sure that I understand well. Do you want to remove the
PendingDeprecationWarning builtin symbol, or just make it an alias to

I'm fine with "PendingDeprecationWarning = DeprecationWarning".

IMHO your email title is misleading. You don't want to *remove*
PendingDeprecationWarning, you only want to make it an alias to
DeprecationWarning, right? In term of backward compatibility, it's
very different :-)


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