[Python-Dev] Invitation to the PyCon typing summit (Thu, May 2nd, 1-5pm, at PyCon in Cleveland)

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Fri Mar 22 14:23:55 EDT 2019

The typing summit is primarily a place for developers of type checkers to
collaborate, but we are also inviting (potential) users of type checkers.
For example, there are plans to extend the standard Python type system with
features intended to support numpy, Pandas, tensorflow and similar
libraries, and we will discuss these at the summit. Therefore developers
and power-users of such frameworks are especially welcome at the summit.

With Ewa's and Dropbox's help I've arranged a room at PyCon.

*When: Thursday May 2nd, 1-5 pm (i.e. the day between the Language Summit
and the conference proper)*
*Where: Room 6 at PyCon in Cleveland*

If you're planning to attend, please fill out this form:


*If you already emailed me about attending, please still fill out the form!*

(Also if you already registered in response to my invitation on typing-sig,
I've got your registration info.)

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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